[Feedback] About Harbinger Pyro

so, Harbinger Pyro was - even if for a short moment - a very strong, albeit glassy build. now it’s just an ehh build.

I made a run https://youtu.be/m3To61J1hIw to see how it feels in SR now. speed is pretty mediocre (I’d say even bad), sustain is not perfect and in a couple of tries I just died.

the problems are:

  • no real ways to gain defence: stacking armor to any meaningful level is impossible, DA is barely 2700 with Formidable (and ~ 25xx w/o it), no real access to DR;
  • w/e sketchy resists, especially for pierce and aether;
  • mana regen is way too low.

what could be done?

  • add some defence to the set. like extra DA as a passive or as a Solael’s Witchfire mod, sth like that;
  • add 15-18% DR to Doom Bolt or - if possible - to weapon itself;
  • extra resists and, more important, CC-resists, are very much needed. Gloves could definitely get sth like stun or trap res, maybe some CS on top.

so what do you think? if anyone had any experience with Harbinger set lately, please share it.


I think the big problem of this set is that it can be combined with Rahzin (not for pyro ofc) which solves most of the Harbinger set problems. But alone set even after buffs is a bit underwhelming in my opinion.

I did try in the past to get health regen for Harbinger Pyro but even with VF and BoD nice flat regen values the build is so skill point hungry that is very hard to sacrifice more. Also Chaos gear doesn`t support health regen at all (one exeption is Eldritch Pact relic).

So my suggestion would be similar to yours. But also a bit wider : give the chaos gear some regen love!

Very nice addition to the set would be +1 to all Skills (and drop +2 to Occu on Crossbow to +1) that would help Pyro and all other exotic builds such as Chaos Savagery :slight_smile:


this was sujested before but wasn’t implemented. reason is pretty simple. the set is not like Cataclysm or Stronghold that give “general” bonuses, it’s Occultist-oriented. so adding +2 to ALL skills would be a bit too much.

Of your suggestions I think the DR to doombolt is the most immediately implementable, because it’s the one thing that isn’t going to be a direct buff to Rah’binger.

I play a suboptimally built Rah’binger witchblade, and it moves pretty smoothly around SR 65-75. More DA or CC resists would be nice, but they aren’t going to make or break the build in particular.

what’s that infamous Rah’binger that people talk about? afaik, it was never in the running of topXX builds. maybe there’s sth hidden we don’t know yet?

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This build clears all content. Not the fastest and probably not up to standards about the opinion of top 20 builds, but it gets the job done - in the current patch at least.

i’m kinda curious where Rah’binger Deceiver stands these days, feel like haven’t even heard it mentioned in talks in ages :sweat_smile:

probably in the darkest corner of the room, trying to get as little attention as possible

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Sorry if Harbinger Witchblade is out of topic but I just respeccted this from Cadence.

It really shows that resists are tight… basically everything besides poison and bleed.

it is not min maxed as I changed it 1 h ago but I did quick sr 75-76 and seems okish. (I am playing in PTR and still have no idea how much overcap is needed now :slight_smile: )

Just the resists are pain to get right and if you this chas is lucky to have damage reduction from ToC ( which Pyro would not have)

Not sure what the best solution would be here just sharing something for discussion.

edit: My lucky crafted boots are making things much easier than they would be without them !