I believe this is uploaded correctly, it shows available points I don’t have, so I’m sure I’m missing something somewhere. I’m just starting on my second playthrough and having a lot of fun blowing things away with this wonky build I’ve kinda stumbled into
I forgot to share the link -.-
GT shows available points from a total/finished standpoint, ie lvl 100 with all point quest rewards complete
with expansions that’s 248 skill points and 107 attributes iirc
if you don’t have expansions, this wont match with you
if you do have expansions, discrepancies is just from missing levels and quests yet to be complete
quest that rewards points you can see completion here Grim Dawn Checklist *just upload the correct files as instructed
*if you’re asking for build advice then get Raging Tempest and Vulnerability for RR
Solaels Witchfire isn’t bad for attack speed
and blood of dreeg+aspect of the guardian for OA+Resist
stat wise you need to take care of your resists, it’s your main defence
these should all be 80 except the phys res/bottom right corner Helmet icon
*when resist aren’t 80 yet you should use resist components in most slots available to fix it, scaled hide in legs and or shoulder for armour absorb increase
*gloves are very low level, consider upgrading them asap, even if to greens etc
edit, i just noticed your medal, it’s ruining your build, and you should swap it immediately or redo a lot of your devos and items to be vitality focused
*your Raise the Dead devotion is unassigned, which means it’s not being activated nor gaining XP
Ruining? I dunno so far one shot from the gun causes so much lightning to arc and crit out and the life leach from sustains me during bosses and oneshots most groups of trash so far. Does it not still get the full benefit from boosting lightning damage?
no, the way conversion works in GD is that regular bonus dmg and outside effects are not converted,
so all your lightnign items and lightning devos don’t get converted when the conversion is direct to Primal Strike; means only primal strike attacks are converted
And stuff like lightning % on your items, hells bane ammo comp, widow and tempest devotion is also never converted because regular % dmg is never converted
ie if you’re a converting to vitality because a vitality build you should stack % vitality bonuses
all that nice 1100% lightning is 100% wasted on your primal strike attacks
and is only getting boosted by the 482% vitality
Tempest lightning proc etc is also not converted because your conversion is skill direct not global (even if it were might not be that efficient overall)
and ofc your Widow lightning RR doesn’t do anything for your primal strike shots either
the widow what?
your devotion, Widow devo granting you arcane bomb, this is unconverted too, so you’re applying lightning dmg proc + lightning resist reduction neither of which is converted so you’re not benefitting much
this is probably the easiest example to show the differences, from Fordprefects Vitality(same medal) Primal Strike Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
notice it’s bonuses, devos etc contra yours, his is entirely focused in vitality bonuses because that’s what the medal does
What if I take the medal off and switch to Savegry?
if you take off the medal you can still use Primal Strike
Primal Strike works as lightning, the point is just that you have it set up as if lightning, but then doing the vitality switcheroo with your medal ruining it/wasting most of your items and devos
so simply taking off the medal instantly fixes that and benefits your Primal Strike back for lightning
so if you wish to use teh medal, and do so effectively, make a full swap to Vitality dmg focus.
If you wish to use your lightning focus, just take off the medal and replace with an actual lightning medal
I think what I was doing before the medal (i haven’t really played this toon for about 2 years) was savegry. I liked all the pretty blue and purple lightning going off everywhere lol
I don’t see how to edit yet, sorry, I meant to say I had arcane bomb tied to savagery
doesn’t really matter, can easily use primal strike for that/savagery or spam primal strike is basically 1:1 similar setups, only the skill tree points get swapped
the overall/general point is just that you have part of your build going in 1 direction, with other part of your build going in totally different direction, and they don’t/overlap or sync up benefit/dmg wise, so Arcane bomb aside, it would be overall better if the build becomes 100% lightning oriented or 100% vitality dmg oriented, not parts of both at same time.
example of super easy devo skill application while still being a fully primal strike oriented setup (lightning) Conjurer, Level 74 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
likewise could be done for a vitality setup, would just swap lightning to vitality devos and ofc swarm instead of devils etc
*additional note, when Wendigo devotion proc is on a pet it wont heal you, it heals the pet instead
**for a vitality setup you’d just need to also change ring, amulet, gloves, shoulder, belt relic etc to be vitality oriented instead of lightning
*Relic you could probably upgrade regardless btw, get a neat +1 shaman relic as example Grim Dawn Item Database
It’s there for the pet.
Just happened to have that, so that’ll do for now.
it’s a fine a medal for lightning PS
should easily be able to observe your Primal Strike shots deal much more dmg, now benefitting from all your lighnting %, aside from extra dmg when Widow’s Arcane bomb has been triggered to apply RR