[Feedback] Aether FoI could get Ll mod + M. Consumption of Agrivix could get some LOVE too

Pretty much the title. I tested recently this mh, based on aether FoI conduit.

can’t say damage is bad (it’s just ok), problem lies in the very nature of FoI in Crucible when you play a skill with very small cone so enemies standing around you just don’t get damaged at all.
the problem, tho, was (and is) sustain and hp.
I did 5 runs, 1 successful of 4:58 and then just 4 died 4 times in a row, unable to complete even wave 160. build just got rekt instantly. death vids go below.

the second thing i wanna say about is M. Consumption of Agrivix. And yes. This offhand is UGLY. Neither have I myself built rta foi or ct or seen anyone making them and succeeding. this is even more actual now hen magical phys is removed, fire retal is still non-existent and retal is mostly severely gutted even in its best specs, not saying about rta casters.
this offhand, tho, perfectly fits for both aether Foi and fire CT so i think it can deserve some love like:

  • removing all retal bonuses and replacing +1 to Soldier with +1 to Arcanist/Inq;
  • adding some HP to it;
  • adding 4-6% LL to FoI and adding also some cast speed as you know … CT and FoI are both spam/channeling casts that require cast speed! this will make both aether foi and fire CT better a bit, for my opinion.

also if anyone tried aether foi or this offhand, share you opinion here!


no experience myself
but tomo made one that looked sturdy as heck, minor difference from yours was he took DR via aura of censure and bat devotion to increase heal

think it’s been a while since he posted on the forum/dono if he will come weigh in himself

(PS this is not meant as a disagreement from me towards buffs to item or skill)

ah yes, I’ve seen Tomo’s run, though I don’t like the very idea of taking an exclusive only for DR purposes :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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