[Feedback] Bleeding Blademaster build feedback

pretty much he title.
this is the build I tried: Blademaster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
feels decent (at least for me in comparison with other bleed builds I’ve played so far) but the build’s capabilities are limited by low aoe and no RR.
speaking about crucible, I did multiple runs, the results were the following:
death at 160
death at 161
death at 170
death at 157
5:04 again
5:15 run

this is one of the runs (5:04 one).

in sr it feels ± ok, at least for 75-76, didn’t bother going deeper.

what do I suggest?

  • buff Bloodsongs for further Blademaster support. +1 to Soldier would be super-good, or add like -0,6 sec cd to BA to it and maybe +3 to Fighting Form. as for now, weapon looks pretty miserable with no speeds and no cdr for BA.
  • I’d definitely like to see some more bleeding Blademaster support (like on weapons/jewelry) but I dunno how to implement this correctly and not to overbuff Trickster/Warder. But let’s start with Bloodsongs and maybe some other stuff.
    BM could be a decent bleed build but, obviously, with no possible overperformance at all.

please share your thoughts if anyone has played similar build or has any ideas.


My version; Blademaster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Yes, Bloodsong can get some Soldier support. First of all Laceration points are not much useful. +1 Soldier is definitely needed and adding also Fighting Form points would be good and yes BA can get some CDR mod.

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so I’ve been testing bleeding blademaster all this time and trying to figure out the optimal spec.
this one is the best damage-wise Blademaster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator, I also tried Boris’ Axe and Scorpius bludgeon that give bonuses to BA but they’re on par or a bit worse.

what I want to ask for:

  • add 6-8% LL to Bloodsong, as it’s basically not enough to stay alive.
  • add -0,6 sec cd to BA to the Bloodsong. 1h BA has all possible mods but cdr so I think it would be fair to place it here.
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