[Feedback] Concerns about drop chance of some MI legendaries

After another start from scratch, dark-one’s farming and beating 25 shard for skillpoints I got bored with my char. After speedrunning Grimtools I decided to farm new rogue-like dungeon for cool magi’s rings (i need 2 for build cause of conversion) and morgoneth’s set. After 50 runs i got this loot (all epic MI items are vendored):

After I checked GT monster db and dropchances few questions were raised:

  1. Why magi’s rings need SO LOW droprate? If you need specific ones first you need to spawn needed magi (2/7 chance) and than be lucky to drop ring (3% according to GT). Smart guys @malawiglenn can calculate the odds of how many runs approximately you need to do to drop one specific pair. This numbers looks discouraging and i really wanna stop farming after checking them. Same goes to alkamos rings.

  2. Why helm have so low droprate regarding to other parts of set? If you can transmuted it yes, sure, but you cant. What the point?

At least I was realy lucky cause Nightbringer dropped in 10 first runs.

Ordinary run on my char:

Incase im doing something wrong, like you need to kill magis on bone/skull ground, who knows

Some legendaries MI droprates (especially magi’s rings) are too low and need some adjustments.


Will I live to see somebody complaining about too high drop rate of something?
Some items are supposed to be rare. May it be because they are powerful or just because they were designed this way. Items are called “legendary” or “mythical” for a reason. Players could have heard about them but not seen them drop their entire lives.


Component drop is too high since 1.1.6.

You’re welcome!


I would argue component drop rate is not higher or lower than before, it’s just not 1 of 4 now.

Since noone has done the math so far…
The total amount of different magis is 7. In one run you can encounter only 2 of them, and they cannot be identical.
(1/7 + 1/6)
and that’s equal 13/42 - this is the chance of meeting the SPECIFIC magi
The chance of getting a ring is 2.5% or 0.025
So the chance of acquiring in ONE run SPECIFIC ring is:
13/42 * 0.025 and that’s roughly equal 0.0077 or 0.77%


I don’t get your thought process. So if there were 5 different Magis instead of 2 your chance would be
1/7 + 1/6 + 1/5 + 1/4 + 1/3 > 1 if we follow your way of thinking? But it’s impossible obviously. The logic seems incorrect.

Imo the probability is 1/7 + 1/7. It can be shown in two ways

  1. there are 42 pairs <X,Y> where X is different then Y.
    7*7 (all pairs) - 7 (<X,X> pairs) = 42
    there are 6 pairs <7,X> and 6 pairs <X,7> where X differs from 7. So the result is 12/42= 2/7

  2. 1/7 for the first Magi to be correct. If it’s not the case (6/7 chance) then the second has 1/6 chance because he draws from the reduced pool (1st Magi has already been chosen!). So the result is
    1/7 + 6/7 * 1/6 = 1/7 + 1/7 = 2/7

Using this method we can show that if there were N magis instead of 2, then the chance for them two have a specific ring is simply N/7. So 7/7 = 100% in case of 7 Magic obviously.

In case of 3 Magic the calculation would be as follows
1/7 +(6/7 * 1/6) + (6/7 * 5/6 * 1/5) = 1/7 + 1/7 + 1/7 = 3/7


oh, you’re obviously correct. I’ve counted 6/7 pool as 6/6. My bad. Sorry.
btw, the ods are even lower now - 0.71%


Also another way to look at it is to treat Mages as combination/unordered pair.
The result is (surprisingly for me) the same then

1 - 6C2 / 7C2 = 1 - 15/21 = 6/21 = 2/7

Btw you’ve disappointed me. I was hoping for 2 pages of bickering over the correct answer.


Sorry for that. I just remembered Monty Hall “paradox” - and immediatly realizied where I was wrong, when you’d pointed it out.


And that has nothing to do with drop rates.

Honestly, I was wrong to count anything in this exercise:

  • Let’s say there are N different pairs <X,Y> of Magis

  • There are in total 2N Magis in them

  • Every Magi is equally probable so a particular Magi appears 2N / 7 times

  • but since X always differs from Y, every appearance of this Magi means different pair <X,Y>

  • so 2N / 7 out of N pairs <X,Y> contains our Magi which means the probability is (2N / 7) / N = 2/7 :rofl:

Meanwhile @MikeFic_YT got 16 of those rings in 100 runs :slight_smile: more purples than blues


:rage: thanks, now i even more frustrated after watching this
Fixed incorrect drop chance in my post, apparently right number is 3% (at least now i know how to properly use monster db)

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This guy got 9 legendary rings

The magi rings are the only “issue”, if you think there is one. However they are comparable in drop rate to other Rogue Dungeons, with Alkamos rings being the jewellery comparison. I think jewellery has always had significantly lower drop rates.

Personally, I just ignore these items because Rogue Dungeons are not my favoured endgame activity and I find that much farming/travelling to be unpleasant.

I would love for those Rogue jewellery pieces to be transmutable for a large fee, simply to reduce the burden of having to farm specific content over and over. If that happened I would venture to Alkamos more often, and a specific Magi ring (let us be real, most people will want a specific ring) would become more realistic to acquire.

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While i really really wish i had many items in this game, i don’t have a problem with the drop rates because its another item i havent gotten yet which is another reason to keep playing.

My feelings are its kinda like in a free-to-play CCG, such as Hearthstone or MTG Arena, in that farming for MIs is RNG on the level of getting a pack of cards. You get a free pack every day or so, and get more cards. Hopefully anticipating you get that card you really want in the pack. When theres still cards you want that you dont have yet, it draws you in and makes you want to keep playing. But once you have all the cards, it loses a lot of its shine, unless youre a die hard top tier player playing ranked matches, in which case youre probably buying the entire set of cards (using grimtools).

No, this game wouldnt become stale once I have all the items, because the build diversity and depth of customization is so great id be able to make TONS of builds, but the dopamine rush from actually USING those builds would be a little less, knowing theres no items to get that i havent gotten.

For me, the sheer rarity of these items, and the struggle to acquire them, increases their value and the special feeling I will have when I finally get them. Same with the legendaries that drop from Totems- ive still only gotten 1 Phasebreaker. Nothing else. But thats part of the excitement, I think. Right?

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The drop rate of unique MIs from roguelikes has been increased in v1.1.7.0.


Wish I can disenchant all of hundreds of “final stops”, “guillotines” and “silverbolts” to craft few of these rings. HC mode is really great way for me to counter inflation of items, cause in any shard or crucible run i can lose them.

:partying_face: thanks

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Thats also a fair point!

I hope its not like +0.1%, because atm its completely unrewarding. :zantai:

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Heh, I believe it was around +50% for the rings.

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