[Feedback] Mob's pathing/collision is broken

Playing these days i find myself to be extremely frustrated by mob’s behaviour. It seems straight out of some alpha version of rpg with poor physic engine on top. Sad part is that it wasnt the case even 1-1.5 years ago, the issue became apparent not too long ago in game’s life cycle. And im not the only one who noticed that as it was reported in the past. Back then the issue was said to be related to aggro-fix back in, however, it seems me that it has very little to do it with it as the main offender is model’s size (collision) and how mobs respond to collision of other mobs.

Its easier to show than describe, so here it is, footage i collected after playing GD for like 4 hours in total.

inb4 “its just as CR issue”:

(and ofc ive seen countless time in SR, but SR is generally speaking a clusterfuck so not suprising)

I think these videos demonsrate the problem and how common it is. I can specify if needed.
Any further examples are welcome.


I encounter this issue in every game session regardless of gamemodes. It’s incredibly frustrating and very draining for motivation to play the game.

It was a long time meme that for veterans “grimtools is the real game” because of how much time people spent minmaxing the builds and coming up with new ideas.

Now it honestly feels like meme is coming to life: minmaxing and making new builds is in fact much more interesting than playing the game. During the past year I could spent hours upon hours on the build, and then i play it for few Cruci (sometime SR) runs and i already wanted to Alt+F4.

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really curious wtf happened to Calla there @_@

Looks like Calla blocked by her own wind devils. I wonder if it’s possible to remove unit collision on all purple and red named boss or at least make them ignore others collision except the players? The results may look funny on all Kuba spawn in campaign.

this problems has really become insufferable in latest months. I don’t have any special vids but I agree with both grey and banana that this happens literally every session.
in crucible mobs bounce like mad or, in opposite, get stuck in places thinking about their existence.
this is just unpleasant. you miss hits, you can’t kill everyone fast enough because of the mad behaviour, etc.

This is an issue as old as time. It’s merely become exasperated by more recent changes.

It’s very straightforward…when the aggro issues was fixed, you now have more monsters trying to get to you. More monsters pathing towards you means more collisions. More collisions means more avoidance behavior. More avoidance behavior means large creatures sometimes struggle to calculate a path.

Again, this has been a core of the engine from the beginning, you’re just noticing it now because you got the aggro fix you asked for. :laughing:

The Callagadra clip is something else entirely. Her tornadoes are blocking her pathing, which they’re not supposed to do.

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We’re going to try some changes to what monsters do when they can’t reach the player, but it’s pretty experimental at this point. It should result in less spazzing out though.

Basically, some old TQ baggage has them consider roam behavior every 1 second when the player cannot be reached…but then because reasons there’s also an additional random reposition every 333ms, which is ridiculous. We’re going to slow that way down and see what happens!

Callagadra issue, as I said, was a separate problem and will be fixed.


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