[Feedback] Mythical Leviathan could use some help

I have a feeling something like this is what will happen - it’ll get it’s attack speed bumped up, Vit conversion might get removed and Leviathan Death Knight as a whole will get it’s damage and/or survivability adjusted after it gets tested properly. Doesn’t necessarily mean damage/survivability buffs or changes will go on Leviathan in particular, just that the build using it will get them “somewhere”.

tl;dr It’ll just get bumps in the places where it needs them. I’d be skeptical on it getting revamped a 3rd time or even as radically as some people in this thread want. If it does then great, but don’t set yourself up for disappointment.

That would be nice for Warder and Warlord Cadence builds but would be huge increase for DK I believe but if it’s attack speed won’t increase, adding some adcth to weapon also compensate it because the build can focus on AS on the gears or devotions instead of lifesteal.

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How exactly? I can’t follow your train of thought.

You’re right now that I thought about it. sorry my mistake, my mind went through to vitality builds that have too much lifesteal source.

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Right, so that being said, adding ADCtH in a good amount to the weapon itself, or buffing the ADCtH values already present for Necrotic Edge would be nice. What would be really nice would be both but thats greedy.

Ok, so i’ve tested 2H cadence on DK:

  1. With Leviathan - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RVvBAQvV
    7.15, 7.05, 6.40 - rather a sad expirience
  2. With Gutsmasher - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eZPMJGJN
    6.50, 6.40 and I got bored. Feels slightly faster (like 10 seconds.) Yet, a bit squishier, although, I’ve lost 19% phys res.

So completely unprofilled weapon performs slightly better than dedicated one. Even with 24/16 Cadence.


Actually I made both cold and physical builds on the mentioned skills. :wink:

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