Feedback on an issue i have with the game

Before posting a negative review on steam, which i don’t do often, i wanted to ask the community in case the devs have already explained/replied about my main issue with the game. So here it goes:

My main issue is the strange decision of the devs to leave everything to RNG. After 450 hours and three lvl 100 chars, you would expect at least one of them to have BiS equipment and be “complete” in a sense. But NO, the devs have decided not to include any mechanism to get more drops towards the class or build you are playing.

So with hundreds of legendary items, when one of your chars eventually gets the BiS items for your build, it would be 600-700 hours play time afterwards (at least), and you would actually have the BiS for 60-70% of the available builds/chars of the game.

I am sorry, but i really wanted to equip the char i played in a realistic time of 100-200 hours, not spend 1000 hours to have the best equipment for 10-15 builds i don’t play and i don’t have a char for.

Literally nothing would change for the game, if they included a mechanism to get more drops towards the class or build you are playing, as if someone wanted to create 3-4 chars and fully equip them, he would play indeed for 600+ hours to do so.

Even my death knight with the Krieg’s set is not even marginally complete as Mythical Mindwrap has yet to drop after 450 hours.

Just FYI i have began farming with Twin falls->SoT. I grow tired after more then 70-80 runs, changed my rotation to Fabious, Undead nemesis (with SoT), Beast Nemesis, 2 treasure coves, Aleksander (along with the end boss of AoM). At this point i started lvling my death knight, while also farming with my lighting warden. 3 days ago i got my triple meteor sorcerer to lvl 100 and of course after ~50 runs on outcast on lvl100 and nemesis status there is no hood yet… So i don’t think i was terrible inefficient at farming or something.

I don’t want to be offensive, but i just cannot help but think that the devs don’t really respect my time…

What are your thoughts?

You better leave your negative review on steam because that terrible system will never be added to this game. And i mean terrible in my opinion, it’s a godawful system.

Is the game less fun to play without BiS gear? I personally find that once I start getting BiS gear in any game, I no longer feel a desire to play it anymore.

The only thing having BiS gear does for you, is make the game easier, and allow you to brag about your character, but there is nothing to brag about if everyone else has the same gear due to being handed it to them.

Terrible in which way specifically?

The two things BiS would offer for me are:

  1. Ability to farm Crucible more efficient
  2. Feeling of completion/fulfillment with the char/game so i can move on to other chars/game. As i wrote i don’t want to have the drop rate increased, i think it is fine, i want the drops that do drop to have a better chance to be good for my build.

Another bonus of this system would be that starting another char would be another new beginning. In contrast, when i reached lvl100 with my sorceress i had about 70% of the items i wanted from farming with my other chars. At some point, creating a new char would be just lvling as you will have all BiS already from previous chars…

Plus this is the end goal in ARPG isn’t it? Getting max lvl, BiS items…

Because with that system, now i have to farm with the new character instead of already having the items in my stash that i farmed with another character.

It would also force me to level up a character to get items for the same character instead of just using my already leveled up and geared character to farm items for the other characters.

The Crucible would become nearly pointless because you would have to do it with each character to be able gear each individually instead of just using a character that can do it fast and efficient to gear all characters. This system just seems to make things more grindy than they already are because having to grind with each character instead of just needing to do with one.

Being able to farm all items with a single character >>>>>>>>>>>>> Having to farm with each character to get their respective items.

There’s a lot more reasons why i utterly despise this system. It’s a godawful, terrible system and i’m pretty sure Crate will never put this system in this game or any in the future because this has been asked several times for a while now. Now either accept it, ask for adjustments that don’t involve this terrible system or play something else if you don’t like it.

Dropping items for other types of characters is one of the main inspirations for building new characters.

Anyway, I think the new Crucible, and even the old one to a lesser degree may be the blame for your desire. Before crucible, people didn’t need BiS to beat the game, and succeed. You really don’t even with crucible, as long as you don’t do Gladiator. The new waves, on the other hand, has made it even worse.

hhmm haven’t really thought of this. I guess you are right, as this is the main driving force for me. I guess the builds i already have and can beat all main content except superbosses would be good enough pre-crucible. Thanks for the reply!

The RNG in Grim Dawn is a problem that is somewhat alleviated with the Monster Infrequent items in that you generally know what to farm in order to get a specific item (rng stats on top of that of course).

The amount of builds/mastery’s can definitely add to the frustration in getting something that is actually useful for your character. One example that could help with this problem is to have a dungeon where you’re prompted what kind of path you would follow which could then impact the boss/rewards at the end for MI’s / drops that may be closer to what you want.