I play HC, SSF - able to handle Lokarr without much difficulty, haven’t attempted any other celestials. I like the huge health pool and absorption, and the clear speed feels reasonable. Does anyone have thoughts on possible optimizations or gear to be on the lookout for? Thanks!
If you are on PC, then you can upload you character directly to GrimTools, you don’t have to manually fill in every slot.
(Seems like you did that, because your skill bar is so empty)
I assume you just use Bone Harvest/Default Attack to murder things?
I uploaded my save, but I play on PC with a controller and apparently the binds don’t translate over into GrimTools. Devouring Swarm + Bone Harvest/Default Attack is the mainstay, cycling in Mark of Torment on bosses.
I’d change so much and none of the changes would contribute to staying at 36k HP, so I’ll just say:
You have 2 more points in Heart of the Wild, than you can actually make use of. 20/10 is the most the game will recognize, so you have 2 free pints to throw around.
And you can get better components for your weapons and rings. Fixing your resistances with Ugdenbog Leather and better armor augments should be superior, to skipping Ravager’s Harvest, Coven’s Bane, Wraith’s Scream, Irrah’s Blood etc.
Attack speed seems extremely low, same with OA and your devotions confuse me. They’re a bit all over the place.
Something like this might be better: Ritualist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
I left crab in there for you, even though it doesn’t bring you too much apart from the absorb.
It has a little more attack speed (still very low though) and more OA. I left out shield maiden, because I’m not sure that helps too much here. Health regen and life leach are a bit less, but you have 22% healing increase, so hopefully that makes up for it.
And what @HonorabruSudoku said. Try to get some better augments, hopefully with OA.
You’re also missing stun resist and such (third tab), but not sure how to fix that atm.
Thanks Bas - Shield Maiden is maybe a bit more useful than it appears at first due to having 100% physical → vitality conversion for the flat damage/retaliation node. However, I think you’re right in that I could probably get away with dropping it.
The vast majority of my damage currently comes from Bone Harvest + devotion/item procs, with default attacks/WPS/retaliation acting as a supplement, so I haven’t given too much thought to attack speed. I can certainly see the value in squeezing in more attacks between casts though.
That said, with these devotion changes I’d also be losing resistance overcaps - which have been challenging to work out with this gear - and Scales (damage, healing, RR) in favor of Wendigo. Since this build only casts Devouring Swarm every few seconds prior to Bone Harvest, Wendigo’s Mark is likely only going to have good uptime against trash mobs, and I’m not sure that the additional flat damage/OA/attack speed is worth sacrificing flat RR.
Sounds like the overall theme here is that I need to start with optimizing my components & augments and work from there.