-Feedback- Swap Smite and Belgothian's Shears Modifiers on Chaos Gloves

Basically it is. Mythical Voidrend Talons and Mythical Voidsteel Gauntlets have contradictary modifiers on Chaos Oathkeeper possibility. Modifiers should be Belgo + Cadence and RF + Smite within each gloves. Doesn’t matter which has which modifiers. Any chaos build who doesn’t use RF as main AA won’t choose the Oathkeeper as secondary class thus won’t use the Chaos Smite modifier on Voidsteel Gauntlets. Swaping modifiers supports Chaos Sentinel or even makes Chaos Dervish, Paladin or even Blademaster possibilities more reasonable.

As it is, these modifiers doesn’t make any sense. Only makes sense if anyone uses full Rah’zin with a Sentinel and supports with smite but again why? What’s is the point to use Rah’zin without Nightblade. So please Z, swap the modifiers and maybe someone uses Oathkeeper for chaos RF and Smite without Rah’zin set so Conduit Amulet with -%15 Chaos RR can be used. Ofc it’s not enough and probably still be a meme build but this way makes me ask just why???

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i have never tried chaos RF before, but for Voidrend Talon- no i dont like your idea. I used that glove with Rahzin WitchHunter (and ravager’s helm, not the usual 2 pieces Harbinger set), and the modified for Belgo Shear (and acid converson too) is perfectly fine for it. Cant use Voidsteel Gauntlet even when you swap mod, because losing acid conversion and 2 precious Possession skill points are way too much.

Then they just basically swap Cadence and RF modifiers so you’ll still have the same gloves with same stats and conversion just instead of Belgo + RF modifier you’ll get Belgo + Cadence modifier.

maybe Z can consider changing them, but to think of mods that converted both main auto atk skill AND a WPS, and it exist in just a glove slot (not a lot of sets use glove slot)- is really weird imo. even for a meme build like chaos RF :slight_smile:

There is no gear support besides Voidsoul which is not for AA builds. And there is no way you can get proper RR so it won’t be too OP. I don’t see why, since any Chaos Shieldbreaker build use only Smite because FS is better than RF in many ways unless S&B option which is also possible with Chaos. So it creates new opportunities. There is no chance a chaos RF make it sub 5 CR or SR 90 so it just for theme and fun. No really balance issues here.

I’m working on S&B chaos sentinel and it is lvl 100 but still not polished. For now it kills dummy in 23- 24 sec so not really OP. And the modifiers for smite give more dps if you already have around 80% phys to chaos convertion without Abomination proc. Having both modifiers on one pair of gloves would be nice :slight_smile:

EDIT: I would just like to add that conversion modifier for RF would give a bit more flexibility in regard to amulet and weapon components as for now I have to rely on them and solael witchfire skill modifier to get phys to chaos.

Also an 2H heavy armour chaos set for any AA would be great (maybe savagery related with lightning to chaos conversion??)
2H chaos sword would be an instant orgasm… :stuck_out_tongue:

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I actually went chaos sentinel with rahzin because finding chaos RF support outside of the gloves was basically nil. Ends up better damage and defense considering touch of chaos perks. Would need a larger overhaul beyond the gloves (which I agree should be tweaked) to support it.

Didn’t Touch of Chaos + Smite + 2x void better? With DR and %20 RR, it should be. RF weapon damage isn’t that high to overperform it unless you cap it 24/26 atleast.

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