Back in discussion thread there was a thing about “items one never uses”.
In this topic i want to bring some attention to the items that i never even considered to use (and dont know why anyone would) and that lacks even memetic value. (like Howl of the Vendigo that is awful but atlest has its weird niche) I wont mention things that just bad numerically because thats not the point, although numbers themselves are of course important and often decide item’ fate.
The good things about it are 4% cdr, +4 to MR and high %AS. I guess the retal part for AoM is also decent, but i havent seen it used once. Acid AoM builds tend to use Ravna’s Claw instead. NE mod is redundant (lets say that 16% rta value here is a joke) because Necro has 2 ways to play acid - Deathguard and Radaggan, the former uses its own weapons and not even an auto attacker to begin with whereas the later is a caster. Execution mod is fine, but one would never use it for AA NB, because both Misery, Venomlash, Gannar’Vakkar’s Sting and Venomblade’s weapons are all around better in that niche.
TL; DR: Retal side - fuck retal; Acid Necro side - doesnt bring anything serious to the table, doesnt synergise with other acid necro gear, 0 meme value; NB side - worse by much than any other option.
Has %AS and additional flat - has only mod for box.
Has resistances - it is lightning and elemental.
Has high %cc value - gives +2 to storm. pact and it’s a stun res.
it looks like a blue weapon that was given generic mod for box. Not of any use in any build.
Witch Moon
Good thing - 4% cdr. Skill points - not of any use, +1 to Demo and Soldier seems out of place. RoS mod - redundant to Korba, for frostburn emphasis lacks aoe mod. RoH mod - overshadowed by Crescent Moon
Conversion on its self is good, but the weapon doesnt fit it at all. Vitality RoS, w/o any -cd or aoe, w/o any itemisation is far beyond being a meme. Bleed side is just lacking. Skill points are arbitrary. WT mod is just w/e. This thing is both purposeless and bad numbers-wise.
I have mentioned about Crimson Pike, Howl of the Wendigo and Ravager’s Bite in seperate thread and in discussion thread aswell. They can be useful on Bleeding/Vitality combination with some rework. But I guess my threads dont attract you guys much.
For others, I agree with you, especially I never understand Noxious Wounds’ modifiers, never.
I very much agree with this list and legit lol’d at some of these hilariously bad items, however I think
is actually not that bad. You can make some crazy tanky nightblades with this weapon which are pretty good (at least on HC). Imo a small buff to Crimson Spike would be ok, but it’s not nearly as bad as the others on this list.
Edit: Give Scion of Noxious Wounds a 0 CD to Aegis mod crate pl0x (and obviously change the rest of the item accordingly).
This and the WT mod is the one that carry the weapon, and
I fully agree with this one. RoS and attack speed in there is like total random looking at the skill it support more of a cd type, better change it to casting speed to help vitality acid purge build.
My brain is too tired to analyze this items at this hour, but i hear 0 Cd Aegis, i bump. Not that i prefer playing those kind of playstyle in Diablo 3 for instance, but with depth and options of Grim Dawn, i just cant help but desire an option for shield spam build. Do it Krate please, before leaving the game for good.
To that what? Vit AAR? Doesn’t have items to converted eveything and have full ranks. It can be made but on paper looks to weak to even try. Clair aether/vit or pure aether AARs are much better.
I see, thank you. Does that mean that the initial idea was soon abandoned?
I agree that plain old aether based AAR is by far the strongest in the game.
Yes, it was. I abandon 80% of my build ideas, it wasn’t a big deal
Unfortunately, for the majority of dmg types AAR is not competitive now. Aether, lightning and physical ones are good.
Yea! I’ve only been doing this for months and I have dozens that never see the light of day~ I can imagine how many hundreds of builds are just left alone to never be seen again by the “pros” here.
Regardless it would still be be entertaining and inspiring to see the wild things thought up over the years! Heck even the items in this thread have really got me thinking about using them in builds~ so much fun!!!