Few questions....

1.) Ghoulish Hunger devotion skill. When it active. Does the % of attack converted to Health apply to all damage that I deal include damage aura like Spectral Wrath in Necro and Night’s Chill in Nightblade?

2.) Hostile Faction reputation. When I hit despised rank for saying… Aetherials faction to unlock extra spawn in current game session. Do the extra spawn will “retroactive” or instant apply to all hostile aetherian in current game sessions or do I have to restart my game session to get extra spawns apply to all aetherian hostile? Do i make any sense?

3.) Grim dawn timeline lore. This have been bugged me for long while. How long from event of Grim dawn start when aetherian invade the Cain and fall of capital city to Devil crossing when Bourbon take you off the hang? When I explore the area. i notice all the building and Devil Crossing prison is falling apart. Look like it took few years to look like that.

  1. They should start appearing from when you reach that reputation. No need to start a new game.

  2. Not sure we really know.

Doesn’t the player character say that Grim Dawn happened months ago when meeting Ulgrim in the swamps?

  1. I believe only skills that does % weapon damage.