Finally broke down and bought it!

So after weeks and weeks of contemplation on buying Grim Dawn i really thought tonight that even the new D3 just isnt going to provide me what i am looking for.

So i said the hell with it and i bought the instant alpha access, i have been keeping up with these guys since kickstarter and i wanted the game to have a little meat to it before i started on it and with Act 2 on the horizon, i booted Steam up and got it.

It’s a pleasure to touch base with all of you, Any other fans more then welcome add me to Skype. Always good to grow a new community.

Bring on the multiplayer!!!

Hope you enjoy the game, just know that Multiplayer hasn’t been added yet but we may see it sometime early next year if we are lucky and all things go well.

Edit: And welcome to the forums!

Welcome to the forums Syphin, and hope you enjoy the game, IMO it is a lot of fun.

Welcome to the forums and the game.

Hope to see you around (and keep a multiplayer spot open for me!!) :smiley:

Good luck and have fun with GD.

And welcome to the forum.

Cya in MP. :slight_smile: