I’m looking over builds to see how my thoughts match up with the meta. I’m noticing that a lot of skills are only given one point…and in some cases are only half-maxed.
Example: apparently I can’t link yet… I was looking at a Blademaster in the Build Compendium.
What’s the thought process going into this?
In the linked build, for example, Belgothian’s Shears gets only one point (same for rest of skill line). That’s 8% proc vs a possible 20% at 8/8. I’m just noticing a lot of allocations like that and am simply wondering why.
Side note: I’m looking for a build that isn’t too thought intensive (i.e. not a billions active skills to worry about). I was thinking sword/board, dual,…maybe pet? I am just getting back into GD…thoughts?
Belgothian’s reaches 20% at 5/8 points. A normally equipped Blademaster will have at least +4 to Nightblade skills, taking it up to the required 20% chance with only the 1 point investment.
Lots of other skills have diminishing returns after a certain point (not always max), and some are just 1 point wonders.
You don’t get enough points to make everything efficient, so you need to focus on the skills that your build is, well, build around. But you do have enough points to spare a point or two on the other skills if they are beneficial. Also, keep in mind that you can’t boost a skill with gear if you don’t have at least one point in it.
Soldier. Pick one of the three main dmg dealing skills (Cadence, Blade Arc or Forcewave) and build around this skill.
I recommend Blade Arc.
You can easily level to 75 with Blade Arc and the gear you find along the way.
Use a 2H Weapon, or if you feel very squishy, war a shield, but it´s not really necessary.
Most dumb the majority of points if not all in phys, but it really depends on your build. You can make full cunning build work too, you just need to gear for your needs. Phys build is just easier to manage at higher difficulties, as it has more health and defensive ability.
My recommendation: If you are going for a facetanking, physical dmg build with a mace, axe or 2h, you can drop just about all to phys. If you go more nightblade, hit and run high dmg style with dual wield swords you should put 20 or so to cunning, more if you want to.
At 85 i rarely have to use energy pots, tgen again, not all my damage comes from blade arc. I use the devotion system to get some energy regen/leech, works quite well.
While leveling you´ll want to use compnents like ectoplasm for higher energy regen.
I’m running a sword/board Blademaster. About 99% Soldier at the moment because I’m not sure what to spec into Nightblade for aside from Veil of Shadow and Pneumatic Burst.
Full on physical build, though I’m actually scratching my head as to how little +%phys I’m finding and/or seeing at the vendors. All the weapons that look good so far always have %dmg done as something else.
But, after getting a few pointers this morning and studying the Devotion map, I’m clearing much faster.
Well you can´t do much wrong with a Blademaster, good choice.
If you skill something like Bull/Bull Rush in the devotion system (dmg), and maybe Scales of Ulcama (healing), you don´t have to worry about conversion. Lots of constellations for that, actually.
Revisiting skills…is there anything else in Night blade aside from Veil of Shadow and burst that I should grab? Fill up mastery for stats? Or use the extra pts in soldier?
I’m guesstimating I’m about 80-85% done with the campaign based on how little of the world map is unexplored. My thought was to finish and move on to Veteran…then Elite…ala Diablo style. I’m lvl 42 at the moment…should I just skip Veteran and go to Elite when I finish the campaign. Hitting a wall worries me. What level should I be for each difficulty?
You can and kinda should switch to Veteran right now (you can right from the start at lvl 1). Finish the storyline and see how easy or hard the game feels.
Do some Bastion of Chaos of Steps or Torment runs to gain some more levels maybe, and farm some gear. You should be able to “farm” Boc until 65ish.
Or give Elite a go as soon as you can (after killing Loghorrean), and see how it feels. Act 1 Elite shouldn´t be too hard, so maybe you can farm some gear here.
From my experience sword and board isn’t that good. You’ll be lacking in dps and attackspeed and the shield does nothing in Ultimate as you will still get one shotted just as easy as dual wielders.