Fishy intruduction

Hi all,

i have already introduced myself 5 years a go ( damn how fast time flies)
but after all this time i broke down and installed steam, so lets the game begin !!! :cool:

kodos to all you brave ones who already opened up the path for the current game statues :slight_smile:

Hello psisci

And welcome back to the forum and Grim Dawn, yea there are a couple of people here who are just insane regarding to the Grim Dawn community and the game itself :rolleyes: :stuck_out_tongue:

Is a “motherbored” a thing?

Is a “motherbored” a thing?

Last edited by jiaco; Tomorrow at 11:34 PM.

thank you for the welcome, and yes it is (in bad translation…) :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello and welcome to the forum

welcome indeed!:wink: