Fist of Vire and Tip the Scales sometimes attack air in CR

Sister Crimson is attacking me and sometimes (about 2/3) Fist of Vire and Tip the Scales attack air rather than Sister Crimson. That’s strange because there is no target over there. They should have attacked Sister Crimson or the volcano but they didn’t.

Builds: Warlord, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Video: Fist of Vire and Tip the Scales attack nothing!_单机游戏热门视频

Most likely Sister Crimson is out of range and the procs are resorting to targeting her invisible skill generators…the real issue is why those are showing up as valid targets in this scenario.

The video shows that sometimes they can correctly attack Sister Crimson so I think she is in range, but I agree with your invisible skill generators theory.

This situation shows up everytime in CR, lv.164, when Sister Crimson appears. It’s not an individual case.

Ive noticed this in other situations as well… Although I generally chalked it up to a misreading of monster position, or picking a location the mob located a second before.

This is fixed in the next update, thanks.

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