Flat damage and WPS skills

How is flat damage added exactly?

For example, if I hit something with Savagery and proc Feral Hunger, will my flat damage get added only to the highest instance of % Weapon Damage, or will both Savagery and Feral Hunger each get the flat damage bonus? So if I have 100 flat Lightning Damage from Brute Force or any different source, will Savagery and Feral Hunger each get an extra 100 Lightning damage added, and thus in practice actually give me a 200 flat damage bonus to a single attack?

Or are the % Weapon Damage from Savagery and Feral Hunger added together into one single attack, which then multiplies the 100 flat Lightning damage? For example, 150% WD from Savagery and 160% WD from Feral Hunger would give me 310% WD, meaning my flat 100 Lightning damage would deal 310 damage in a combined hit?

Additionally, how does this interact with conversions? If I have an effect that says “100% Lightning damage on Savagery is dealt as Physical” then how does this conversion interact with WPS skills and devotions procced by Savagery?

last one almost got it right, the wd on wps acts a multiplier to the wd on your aa in this case sav, so the flat lightning from brute force is boosted by 240%
keep in mind this only applies like that because Brute Force is global flat dmg, if it was direct flat dmg to Savagery it would not be the case

fully converts the relevant/related dmg types on wps, does nothing for devotions/“stuff that isn’t directly AA related”

if you wanna dive deeper into the mechanics of wps and aa here is a neat little guide that covers some good ground

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