Cosmetic Wings - Inarius wings

You need to merge the two mods if you want to play multiple mods.
Basically merge the two folder, autocreate all assets, build it.
But if you are not familiar with modding you will need to learn all of this in the modding tutorials and that takes time.

sorry, the file is not available, could you upload it again please

not sure what file you are trying to download, but the one in the OP is available

yes, thank you very much, I just realized that I was dealing with the wrong link, thank you and excuse me

New wing from Aion, I couldn’t find the animation I want but at least it’s working.

I did some tests with other wings but the result is not that great (the cosmic wings looks very flat).

I wouldn’t worry about them being flat. You usually are so far zoomed out that this is not noticeable / they have to be flat anyway.

I like the wings on the right (I assume these are the cosmic wings), as they are very different from the others in the pack.

Do the cosmic wings “shimmer” or anything? Would be cool if there was some sort of movement in the texture.

Hey, is this wing not finished yet?

this was a test for someone who wanted the portal effect, it’s not working.

I reupload the mod because the cosmic wings was not using the right texture :


Sexy suit, what mod is it?

same quesion since ages ago…

anyone who knows this suit mod?


Can you expain to me how you get these to work? I wanted to test them out. so far trying to spawn them in or talking to the guy at the gate nothing happens. The illusionist isnt showing anything either. Is there anything more than just dropping the unzipped file into the mods folder that needs to be done? I wanted to see how they looked in person before I decide whether or not I want to add them into a mod when I start modding.

Did you select custom campain then the mod ?

oh yeah. I’m somewhat familiar with what I’m doing. I’m currently in the process of learning how to make mods for grimdawn. I just saw this and thought I’d add it to my list of mods I want to compile. but I wanted to check it out first.

well if you have any suggestions im open to try anything. thanks in advance,

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could anyone make me decent necro wings with skulls and flaming fartoloigist?>