high five
…either that or Trozan’s, depends on my mood.
I’ve had my eye on Vanquisher since the moment I saw it, so of course it’d be the one bloody set I’ve not managed to complete yet. Thanks, game. :rolleyes:
high five
…either that or Trozan’s, depends on my mood.
I’ve had my eye on Vanquisher since the moment I saw it, so of course it’d be the one bloody set I’ve not managed to complete yet. Thanks, game. :rolleyes:
The constant Vire’s Might set seems interesting - can’t be bothered to learn its name, though.
Daega set is actually really neat. Some might say it’s a pity it’s low level, but I might actually see this one.
Seems to be the best option available for poison retaliation.
I am blissfully clueless.
Except for those few items/sets spoiled in Grim Misadventures and the dev streams (some of which I passed on because not wanting to get too many spoilers) I don´t know what items/sets FG will add to the game.
Don´t wanna head in to FG and be pissed all the time, because item Y or set item Y didn´t drop already. Why the hell do people want to know beforehand anyway? I don´t really understand that.
Is the lokkar set changing or u just memeing
Cyclone set with Dawnshard Chest and Cindertouch gloves + Trozan stick is going to be sick on my Vindicator.
Some new legendaries are a bit lame, like a whole medal with bleeding mods to War Cry and Horn of Gandarr.
Blightlord went from interesting when it was first revealed to “I’ll just use Dark One”.
Vanquisher is great but still sad with no demo support.
Harra needs cold RR for sorc.
Mythical Perdition is dope. Best epic set in the game bar none.
Virtue is great, but I’m disappointed that Paladin seems to be the best choice for it.
Sentinel needs CDR, imo.
I don’t care about the cyclone spin2win hype here in this forum.
Bonemonger turned from meme tier to interesting but won’t be really good. That’s okay for me.
Ludrigan’s concept is pretty great but I don’t like that it supports Vindicator of all classes.
Chillwhisper even without runes is gonna be pretty good.
This isn’t a set but I predict that if someone ever gets a godly storm halberd (that one who gives WD to primal strike) eithrr by lucky drop or by GDstash then he’ll replace his Ultos axe with it. And 4pc + storm halberd will be meta and people will ask for Ultos buffs again even tho it’s still great.
Excited: chillwhisper, virtue, sentinel, maybe harra
Disappointed: bysmiel (big time…), blightlord, lack of dedicated set for dervish acid dw aa+wps (like belgo or deathmarked, im not talking abb with venomblade), lack of good purple cold weapons to fill the hole in my heart left by N&O nerf.
please correct if im wrong with my observations. i havent been doing much thoerycrafting.
LOL runes. When I said I was interested in Chillwhisper, it had nothing to do with Inquisitor.
What my pinoy brother said. I think that the new BH axe on blood knight is also gonna be a beast
Bonemonger may be good if we can do some storm box stacking like John concept. It can achieve a massive aether RR. But the lack of flat CDR to storm box is hurting. Hmm
We also still don’t know how good its proc is.
Lokarr set increases experience. No changes to that particular set. We can start in ultimate, so therefore Lokarr’s set excites me the most. How is that a meme? You bully…
P.S. I really want to thank crate on the amazing job they did in making so many more aspects of GD (especially the demo) relevant with the new patches and FG. Just wanted to toss it out there seeing that I’m here constantly nitpicking at what I perceive to be imbalances in GD.
Blightlord set still needs a buff though
I don’t like that it has no cdr. I’ll probably stick with death’s reach on Oppressor cause you can reach 30+ cdr with it and Pot3 for mirror+ascension uptime.
That’s pretty smart. Also, is it just me, or does anyone else think absolution’s 100% shield recovery time is insane?
You can pair it with overguard/MoT/mirror etc. with aeon’s so easily. Especially when bridged with something like haunted steel or ghoul.
Don’t you interested in vitality spin2win?
Oh well, the scythe sadly didn’t has attack speed, which is quite detrimental for 2h weapon that is used for skill scaled with AS…
I’m not sure. I thought that it is already reasonable feasible to get 100% recovery, although you do have to focus it. However, if you don’t focus recovery you will probably also have low shield block chance and damage, so then getting Absolution’s temporary 100% recovery might not be worth as much. My reasoning is that a non-shield build probably won’t max out Overguard but only get 1 point for the 100% stun resist. I am not sure if getting a temporary 100% shield recovery buff is worth a Relic slot on a build that does not focus on shields, nor one that does focus on shields (due to redundancy).
Maybe I am wrong though - I can see how absolution might enable shield builds that are not Soldier based (and thus don’t have Shield Training and Overguard). It might work great on Sentinals, but Occultists literally just have one retaliation skill so it’s not very enticing (Inquisitors and Arcanists have more retaliation).
I do think that Warlords are going to be absolutely brutal. The first build that I intend to go for is a Warlord with only passives/toggles. It won’t be the most effective build but boy will it be tanky.
The last build I’m ever going to do is the warlord because it’s so obviously stronk