Forager Garden default

Could you change the production default of the forager garden to be Greens instead of Berries? That way I don’t have to helicopter the building in order to change production as soon as the upgrade is built.

I’m still yet to work out if having them in an estate style or dispersed style is better.

Developers are desperate to fit into the system. If it were me, I would have made it like an orchard from the beginning. The horticultural materials used for each crop selected are different. Mushrooms will create a log-growing model rather than a garden plot. And for each crop, we will vary the ratio of clay to sand in the garden. I will make one growing area 2*3 in size. Like an orchard. Let’s use what was originally a small garden as a flower garden. I think this is the right direction

Not every map can grow Greens, so it defaults to berries.