Every patch i want full Octavius Warlord to work well and each patch it doesn’t happen. Same now, the buffed Empyrion didn’t help the build much (but the buff itself is very good and worked for Markovian).
The main problem is awkward button mashing, two low cd skills that need enemies lining up just don’t work well, especially when the main weapon for the build has zero speeds. Secondly, even when tuned heavily into dots, the build has lower ticks than much sturdier Targo or even dot oriented Cadence.
My suggestion is radical, as it usually goes. I think it’s time to allow shields to spam Forcewave and unlock the transmutor for shields. It would open so many possibilities for shield builds, and rather safely cause even none of 2H FW builds currently has top tier dmg output. In fact, i would really want to see some buffs to both FW base and the absolute bum that is Rending Force, this node is a complete joke.
Also Pummeler is a weapon for two casts. Why does it not have casting speed?
If you make tdm not 100% skill cooldown reduction but 2.8 sec and adjust couple of items it should be fine. That way Grey Knight can be turned into pseudo-spam in the same fashion as Voidsoul Sentinel with aegis spam conduit. And another interesting build will be born.
how about a spam-able ranged skill on the full set to replace going melee and free up some skill points from those weapon pool skills? also some more width on force wave?
Adjascent feedback about Rending Force. It’s still a node barely worth investing points to hardcap, niether in cd version nor in spam. Went from 200 at 19/12 to 240. Crit scaling is 1% per point. %dmg is alright. But in most builds with Forcewave as the main skill, a lot of dmg is done by other sources too. For example, on my Justicar Commando going from 8/12 to 19/12 the skill tooltip goes from 88k to 96k. Which doesn’t sound bad until you realise that Forcewave does less than half of dmg on the build.
I suggest to further buff the flat scaling or, if there is a concern for the skill being too strong in early game, significantly buff crit scaling with rank. Justicar is already quite strong (and the only good Forcewave build) so it can see some reduction in flat bonus to the skill to compensate.
+1 to banana’s suggestions. I’ve been wanting to see caster octavius warlord a thing since forever and tried it in many iterations the last couple of years but it just wont work. Definitely encourage enabling FW spam for it to make it trully unique.
If you use spam forcewave then you won’t use your WPS, so you lose -28 physical resist reduction from shattering smash, so then you want to add warcry to get it back but then you have even more buttons.
I can agree this could be a good playstyle if the set also added physical resist reduction to aegis, so it could be a AOE debuff skill to go along with spam forcewave.
I guess it also depends on the damage, if the set makes it so you don’t do much “flat damage” but focus more on the damage overtime than it’s kinda ok because spamming Forcewave would mainly apply the dot again.
That is mostly because banana shared a GT based on the current status of the set. Surely if spam FW would be enabled by the set you wont invest into wps anymore but in war cry instead. At the same time youd probably ditch loe and vire for more offensive devos.