Full PC crash trying to load game v0.7.3

Game runs great on a new save, but once I exit the game and come back it loads the game then crashes my PC completely and I have to restart through BIOS. I’ve tried a fresh install on a different HD and running as admin, also tried changing all the graphical settings.

Drivers are up to date, found the crash logs but not sure how to share.

I’m running the 3060Ti with 16gb ram and AMD Ryzen 5 1600x other games work fine, didn’t notice this before the update either.

Update to v0.7.3 and see what happens.

ah it is v.0.7.3 that was a typo sorry

I’m having exactly the same issue as well now. 1050ti, 16gb ram. Phenom B55.

First try the following:

  • wipe out the save folder, located here:
    C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\my games\Farthest Frontier\Save
  • set Refresh Rate to 60 and disable Vsync in the video options

If that has not helped, we also have a fix for issues such as this in v0.7.4, coming soon.

Will do! Thanks for the feedback, looking through the conversations on steam and you’re doing great! Thanks again

Sadly this didn’t work and now I can’t start a new game without getting a full crash. Will wait for v0.7.4 and try again, looking forward to dropping as many hours in this as Grimdawn

To confirm that as of the current 0.7.4 patch this issue is still not fixed. Going to try a new save file and see if it’s a legacy issue.

Definitely not fixed sadly, I’ve tried running FF in DX11 and DX12, dropping my RAM speed and changing to different HD + all the graphical limitations I could through Nvidia control panel. None of which has helped.
When I reboot it says Overclocking failed only I’ve not overclocked my PC, I think it’s forcing the fail safe shutdown as if it’s overheated. I did check this and have re applied thermal paste + cleaned every fan, but playing BF or HLL my temps are all fine. I’d like to help give as much info as I can on this to get it fixed asap, been looking forward to Fart and had it on my wishlist for a long time now, looking forward to playing moar

Small update to anyone who reads this, I ran my PC this morning when it was much cooler and loaded up Farthest Frontier with the cpu temps open.

It got to the last ten% of the load bar and I thought that’s that it’ll crash but the temps jumped for 60 to 90 stabilised and loaded me into the game. So it’s a cpu heat issue but it’s only happening with Farthest Frontier and as an avid gamer I put my system under significant pressure in the middle of heatwaves regularly and don’t have issues.

Regardless I’ve ordered some better thermal paste and will start with the lowest hanging fruit and get back to you.

I’m not seeing that unfortunately. It’ll load a new game without an issue but it really struggles to load an existing file. Usually it’ll just give me a spinning wheel of death, but I actually now think it just takes forever to load a save file. I left last nights game for 15 minutes to load, and it does climb up the loading bars eventually and display the games egg timer, but then it’ll switch back to the wheel of doom making you think it has crashed.

Almost seems like it’s performing like rusts flippin loading times annoyingly but very glad I can load a save game even if it takes forever.

I’ve not had that issue but running on an SSD with no background programs running. Hope you can fix it, but it’s decent you can play!

I have a liquid cooled i9 less than 2 years old and a video card that eats games and I can’t get the game to run either, loading saves is where the main issue is but also starting a new game and rerolling the map causes my entire pc to have a stroke, red light comes on on the mobo and system halts. I’ve never in my life experienced this playing a game and it only happens with FF

It should also be noted that I disabled every single overlay, discord/steam/nvidia etc did a clean boot, shut down every other program, driver updates, reinstalled the game to different m.2 ssds/sata ssd/spinning disks etc, spent more time then I care to admit trying to get my save to load and this was all on ver. 0.7.5

Very strange. Several people reported that disabling vsync and setting refresh rate to 60Hz solved similar behaviors. Maybe give that a try as a test.

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