GD:Cornucopia v0.3.2 - Epic Items, Components, and More!

In regards to DAIL and its use of affixes on top of Legendaries…

Nothing would turn me off from playing this game more. A huge problem I have with other games (Diablo 3, Path of Exile, and even World of Warcraft’s raid loot nowadays) is excessive randomization, in places it doesn’t belong. Legendary gear in this game is not easy to come by. And nothing makes loot hunting feel less rewarding than seeing, finally, that Legendary item drop that is a keystone piece of your build, only to discover that it isn’t the “right version” because its affix rolled sub-optimally.

Keep affixes for the rares and MIs, as adoomgod was saying. I’m totally okay with perfect spawned MIs being best-in-slot. In fact, for those of us who played Diablo 2, that is exactly how weapons worked for a lot of physical damage dealing classes. Most characters in D2 would be equipped with the best unique item available, but occasionally you were able to find truly insane rares that couldn’t be topped.

But the last thing this game needs is a second layer of RNG on top of the already entirely randomized loot pool.

Couldn’t agree more. Looked into DIAL and decided I’d never touch it as soon as I saw that whole ‘affix’d epic/legendary’ thing. I like how each given epic/legendary feels like it was intelligently put together (cause they were) far more so than the ‘rare but with 10% more stats!’ that some games have taken to calling unique/legendary/epic/whatever.

We have no plans to let legendaries have prefixes and suffixes. I’m outright against it.

But we may (read: probably will)add some craftable-only legendaries with hidden prefixes/suffixes that are unique to the specific item. Like badge of mastery.

I suppose it’s always dangerous to bring up D2 because of the various patches. Realistically a rare hasn’t been able to challenge for top spot in a decade (outside of a select few PvP builds), despite how impressively they can roll.

That aside, I suppose it’s two absolutely opposed sides: I want a reason to find more than one copy of a legendary, others do not. I appreciate there’s a small variance in the stats on item that GD drops, but it’s not particularly significant (compared to DAIL, a toned down version of DAIL, or some other games).

MIs are interesting but, in most cases, quite some distance away. I look at something like the Dermapterran Slicer: one can offer some impressive sheet DPS, but will never be part of the Deathmarked set (+2 Nightblade) or have a high quality proc.

I suppose I’m reminded of completion bonuses on components. Oh, your Chains of Oleron doesn’t have the right +1 skills? Trash it. I admit, that didn’t feel fantastic - of course I was looking at it the other way, as a reason to go find more.

bug on demo skill

Well, items like Badge of Mastery, Decorated Pauldrons, or that Dreeg necklace with one of seven plagues are a fun way to add some spice to a select few epics/legendaries.

Good to hear where you are on this topic.

I am using the latest Corn003 …

Is it somehow possible to play crucible with this mod?

Short answer: no.

Long answer: well you could probably edit the game engine somehow to enable that functionality. But that isn’t something we’re going to do because we don’t know how to do it.

Cool beans…no probs :cool:

From now on, I plan to concentrate on translation of Grimarillion for a while.
As the beginning, translation of Cornucopia finished and I put the short introductory article on our JP Wiki. Thanks.

Bug report? Empowered Banshee’s Misery (and perhaps the non-empowered version? Don’t have one at hand to check) doesn’t have any cooldown reduction/energy regen stats. Seems very odd for a spell tome.

Also…any word on how 3.3 is coming?

Can confirm, but have no idea why. The stats do exist in the .dbr file for it. I’ll put my best doomgod to the task!

The word I would choose would be “incrementally”.

I’m not sure if you noticed this one Ceno/doom:

The Tag not found on the +skill.

Saw it on a rainy day and never got to it. Just fixed it, thanks. :slight_smile: Will be part of v0.3.3. If you’re curious, the skill will be IEE.

Hi, I currently playing your mod by Grimarillion, i saw in Grimcal that OFF lvl 12 have -100% fire resist but in game it show different, lower and have -max fire resist.I cant find the change log for this any where.
I dont know where to ask but I think your mod make change to balance things so I though I should ask here


OFF now sticks to anything - even bosses - for the full duration of the skill. Instead of trying to freeze targets for 4 seconds or whatever and only debuffing as long as they are frozen it’ll apply 4 seconds of debuff and try to freeze them once/sec.

With a little cooldown reduction this obviously means you can keep an entire screen locked into OFF effectively forever - as such the -fire resistance would have been downright ridiculous.

What is still left to do before 3.3 is released ?


v0.3.3 is still in the planning phase.

Edit: Once we finish scoping out the changes we want to implement, it shouldn’t take more than two weeks to make all of them. Then we’ll probably put them into closed testing for a week or so, and if there isn’t anything extraordinarily broken, we’ll go public with the release. So when the planning phase is done, it’ll be around 2-3 weeks before release.

Hi, are you interested by a french translation of your mod ? (a very good mod in my opinion).
If i’m right, i just have to translate the txt files in Steam\SteamApps\common\Grim Dawn\mods\Cornucopia003\source\Text_EN ?