GD Hc players are the most stubborn ever

two people mentioned Solo Self Found (so no trading). IT IS in the game. thats what I was saying, the game is much better now. still leans a bit towards a mmo though.

ps: and i never praised D3.
ps2: ceno, your list is very small :slight_smile: but you are busy with modding.

I mean, itā€™s always been in the game. But itā€™s extremely inefficient if not nonviable to pursue in highlevel HC endgame.

The self found they bought in is identical to normal itā€™s simply a badge of how many levels you managed before trading.

no it is not, drop rates are abysmal and tuned towards trading. Sure, you can decide to go against that and play self-found, but it is a major pain, not really a supported feature.

Basically I play a hack nā€™ slash to kill / smash things and get all my gear that wayā€¦not sitting on the trade channel.

Thereā€™s SSF league, but this mode isnā€™t supported. Drops are the same, everything. You have no reason to play SSF, outside of bragging rights and masochism. Gameā€™s not balanced around it. You have to swim against the flood for what? Because developers decided to create it because of claims, but forgot to balance or support it?

SSF league is just a ā€œSSFā€ tag in a game revolving around trading. Makes no sense if you ask me.

I play vanilla HC, itā€™s so dead that itā€™s been SSF for years. Whatā€™s the point to switch the leagues, thereā€™s none. lol

Thanks for the core gameplay issues responses.

Yeah, some I agree with a little, but thatā€™s why I donā€™t play exclusively one game. And for the others, people have opinions. I personally (obviously form previous post) donā€™t mind everything that was mentioned or even think they are problems in the first place. But thatā€™s me.

I more like to play games rather than talk about games and their strengths/weaknesses.

This thread turned out to be rather interesting. Please continue. :slight_smile:

Up to what point one can play SF in PoE?
Why PoE is highly competitive?

As long as you know what youre doing its possible to farm 78 maps and Atziri SSF.

I have 3k hours played in POE and I donā€™t compete with anyone. If you do thatā€™s on you. I play the game to have fun and get away from the issues of the world. I donā€™t care if someone gets better drops then me, or if they reach endgame before me. Nor do I care if their builds are better then mine. I will trade every now and then for something if I feel the need, but I am mostly solo self found.
So please stop trying to tell me how I enjoy the game or how I am suppose to enjoy the game. Iā€™m not a sheep, Iā€™m an individual who goes his own way.
And Iā€™ll continue having fun playing builds that the 5% think are inefficient. The reason being I dont play to be efficient, I play to enjoy my time.

At stupid Dragon
Personally My highest character SSF was 90. You can go higher but the grind becomes boring for me usually around then. I donā€™t play hardcore in POE because drops are way to scarce to risk losing them, but I do stop playing characters and delete them when they die.

No reason to sit in trade channel at all (the people in there are going to try and rip you off anyways) You use to actually trade. Itā€™s not perfect but its much better then trade channel.

Itā€™s impossible to play PoE and not to compete. You deny the game design this way. And Iā€™m fairly sure you compete in one way or the other, but ashamed to express it in public, because reasons.
Hell, even if you play the SSF league you compete to others by your level and gear acquired. Itā€™s a league about bragging rights and scratching your own ego, while flipping off those around you.


Iā€™m not a sheep

Beware. Sheep donā€™t compete, wolves do.

Explain to me how I compete? Other peoples drops do not effect my drops at all, thats not how RNG works. Nothing you do in the game effects me or how I play. If you canā€™t understand this then you are stupider then I originally thought.
So again tell me how am I competing with you or anyone else? I donā€™t care anything at all about the leaderboard, I donā€™t do races, I donā€™t ever play with anyone else (other then if Iā€™m trading something) I donā€™t try and finish any of the challenge leagueā€™s challenges. I donā€™t play in SSF leagues, I just decide not to trade for most things, but I leave the option open if needed.
So where is the competition?
Iā€™ll wait for your response, but wonā€™t hold my breath that you will reply with anything remotely describing me competing with someone.

I suppose in my case this is just from a lack of time. When I have an opportunity I use it to play some Grim Dawn. I started following GD back when I was in high school but university and now work have reduced the amount of time I have to game. So, I just dropped basically ever other video game in favour of Grim Dawn.

Ok, you are asking for it.
You likely have no other interest, besides pointlessly moving the mouse, in a strictly online game centered around competition and interaction between players, by design.
Thereā€™s no point to play PoE if you have no goals and ambitions to compete - if you suck these out of the game, thereā€™s nothing left, just downsides. The spirit of the game is gone. Many other games can fuck you better in doing what you do, GD and D3 included. Much better.

I canā€™t understand how your personally motivated choice to act as a loser, is related to the intentionally competitive design of the game.
I say itā€™s a competitive game as it is, an undeniable fact, you tell me Iā€™m stupid because you preferred to do whatever you did. Does it makes any sense? And how your approach to the game denies the fact itā€™s competitive?

Wow! Talk about LOLZ!!! hellcat, you are just hilarious! This just made my day. ROFL! Thanks for such a humorous post!
This post is just chockfull of over the top hard core gamer stereotypes.

Iā€™m sure that sfbistimg, like me, is just ROFLing all over the place.

This post is just so over the top! LOL!

Glad its just a humor post and not to be taken seriously. :slight_smile:

I donā€™t give a shit about other players in PoE, and I have literally never traded a single item in the game. Being online doesnā€™t mean anything to me because I donā€™t care about modding in PoE and desync is rarely an issue. So am I competing with other players? Absolutely not. I do, however, compete with myself by challenging myself to make radical builds functional and effective. It is the primary reason I play these types of games. If I want to compete with other players Iā€™ll do it directly by playing an rts/moba/WoWpvp. Can you play an online game without competing against other players? Yes. Can you do anything in life without competing against yourself? Not unless you donā€™t want to get better.

My point is, youā€™re both idiots. /Micdrop

The game is only competitive if you want it to be. Again I donā€™t compete at it as I treat as any other game I play. I said you were stupid for trying to tell me how I play the game, not because you play it as a competition.
Thereā€™s plenty of enjoyment in POE for someone who just plays to play.

But thanks for the laugh.

Again thatā€™s your choice Paavo. I have no reason to compete with myself, as I donā€™t take video games that seriously. I play a game to escape from life a few hours at a time, not to stroke my ego. But hey keep doin you, as Iā€™m going to keep doing me

I donā€™t play Diablo 3 because itā€™s just a dumb down ARPG with next to no depth.

I was thinking of maybe trying PoE but then i was told that the game is heavily biased towards trading. It also uses two of my most hated systems from Final Fantasy or at least similar systems which is FF7 materia system and FF10 Sphere Grid. Big pass on this game.

In the strictest sense, no, you are not competing with anyone in PoE if you donā€™t care about ladders or trading or anything else.

Unfortunately for you, GGG does care about both ladders and trading and they will develop and adjust their game in accordance with those and other competitive portions of it. GGG cares about the competition, how it develops, and how it plays out insofar as it affects their ability to drive a profit from whatever theyā€™re selling. In this vein, the competitive scene still can have a major impact on the noncompetitive, solo experience you may choose to take part in. Just because you stick your head in the ground does not mean you arenā€™t involved in whatā€™s going on around you.

So day-to-day, your involvement in the game may be noncompetitive, but long term, the game will change for you based on the competition around you.

In my experience (about 400 hours) itā€™s almost impossible to get anything you really need in poe if you play without trading. That+ the fact that trading is too time consuming and its very hard to buy/sell anything now at least in non-league, make it really hard for me to enjoy that game.