GD Hc players are the most stubborn ever

Good for it then, if someone asks me about a good “ARPG” in the market then i’ll recommend Grim Dawn.

See both games win, one is a Diablo wannabe (in your own words) and the other is…well it’s Grim Dawn.

I don’t mind criticism directed at the game’s system. But why are you still even here?

Just because its strong doesn’t mean it should be nerfed. You’d be in-directly destroying a ton of builds without realizing it.

Or primal strike. It’s still piece of shit. Problem with absent aoe when you miss main target is not fixed. I remember that I asked to fix stun jacks more than a year until medierra had seen my post.

Primal strike and Savagery are indeed crappy skills. Even now, during testing, I run into it. It is frustrating that the devs aren’t changing anything about them. Doesn’t mean they’re ignoring your post. Just because you make a suggestion doesn’t mean they must make the changes you propose.

It’s the reason why I stopped to play Grim Dawn. I did not see variability in this game.

If you don’t see variety in builds you are blind. I’ve made over 200 characters and each were substantially different from the next. Unlike PoE where it is Flavor of the Month. You can choose from a handful of builds that are actually viable in the end. Every other build you come up with falls flat before you even reach a proper level of the maps.

At least PoE have not useless stats right grim dawn. It isn’t overswarmed by damage types. It has not stupid constellation system. A lot of things are made just better in PoE.

PoE is full of useless stats. The entire passive tree is an illusion of depth. You just take the attribute nodes which lead you along the tree. Here and there you pick up some passives. Well wooptie fucking doo for that hand-holding.

I rather have more damage types and trying to find gear and puzzle to cover as many resistances as possible. And then still not being able to max them all. It makes your choices actually matter. Unlike in PoE where you just prepare the resistance, max them out and faceroll the encounters.

Seeing PoE’s shortcomings only when you reach the end. Yeah that’s the problem. It takes 10-15 hours to even reach the fun part only to find it is broken as hell. At least GD is fun while leveling. I’d like some transmuting of the skeleton keys so that we get Crucible like transmuters when entering the roguelike dungeons. Add some variety/end game in that sense is more then enough for my taste.

I find the theorycrafting and builds dull in PoE. It does atmosphere well. Gameplay is clunky as hell. Demolitionist has a very small delay between input and what you see on screen in relating to thermite mines and such skills. But the delay in PoE on many skills is so noticeable for me it is just frustrating.

I agree with many of the your points, but these I find false.

First off, PoE engine is a custom one, made in a garage. With the corresponding quality.
Actually the outdated TQ engine is “better”, as it was at least written by qualified programmers. Yes, it’s outdated, it got issues, limitations, and all. But PoE’s engine is truly utter crap and prevents the game from expanding in the desired speed. It’s a brake and always has been. PoE got most tech issues than any other aRPG on market, and is well known for it.

According to PoE and game polish. The game expands, but it doesn’t get polished. Yes, it gets bigger, improved, evolves. True. But there was never a care of the detail. From the early development till now.
Developers just thros stuff over the players and let them pick whichever works or doesn’t. Later it gets “balanced” on the go - something gets obliterated, something gets never cared of and long forgotten, something becomes the new meta. They just push, push, push. They got no time to polish, as in every 3-4 months there’s a new cycle, with a new hype, and that’s what feeds. Leagues feed. Balance doesn’t.

Actually there’s no balance in PoE, in terms of “equality”. There are shifts. Intentional shifts. To push the player into the “right direction”. League thematic fotm skills (skill MTX, gear MTX), hyped items (skin transfers). Various league related clutter (stash tabs).

The long story short:

When I play GD and step over an issue/disbalance/whatever, I feel unintentionally fucked up. Like, a bad decision or planning, some incompetence you may call it, or even laziness if you like. It’s human.

With PoE, I feel vigorously raped, as I know it’s on purpose - I know there’re financially driven motives behind it. And I also know I can’t change it with any kind of feedback, or whatever. As it’s about cash, and shit is cruel and unforgiving when we are up to it.

And yet that “PoS” is viable. Good? Maybe. Great? No.

On the point of Pneumatic Burst, I think it’s less to do with PB being too strong as it is with Nightblade not having alternatives to the defensiveness/mobility offered by the skill. And this is fine. If every mastery had three alternatives to everything, what would really be the point? Sure, you could pick skill A, B, or C to fill a certain task, but you’d still be choosing something for that task and the end result is the same. Your complaint of a lack of variability in the game would not be solved by having different versions of skills that led to the same end result in the same manner.

I’m actually rather impressed that people are still complaining about GD’s balance when it comes to its classes. Personally I think it’s in a great state; so great, in fact, that the Cornucopia team (me included) has been debating starting over in some areas to some degree. GD’s masteries in vanilla are balanced appreciably well enough that Cornucopia’s alterations to them are largely irrelevant. (Sure, we think we got items/Devotion better than Crate did, so we still believe there’s a place for the mod to exist, but masteries/skills? Crate’s done a pretty good job.)

That may be my fault. I’ll take full responsibility as my summoning abilities have grown in power over the course of testing the Necromancer and I may have gotten carried away. Some days ago I inadvertently invoked the 'huf.

Go easy on him as I have long suspected that he is everybody’s favorite super hero in disguise.

I once pushed to get 'huf in the playtest group because I felt that we could use a lil Star Powah! and Dikkiedik was getting on my nerves always trying to one up me in the “hours played/slept thru” department and I needed a way to distract the guy, but Zantai was like, “Look Pow, can I call you Pow?”

I said, “Umm. Sure. But it’s pow. Pay attention Zantai. This is getting old.”

Zantai: “Whatever. You all know I love the Hoffman and he’s my best friend but the guy has literally already taken over my yacht, pow, and I can’t bear to have him taking my game away from me too!”

He sobbed a lil after that and we comforted him and never spoke of it again.

Until now.

Fixed that up a lil :slight_smile:

True story, earlier today I counted my characters and I got to 22. Found that fairly impressive.

Then I read this thread and see that Gibly has over 200.

Damn :smiley:

agrees, anytime I go back to grim dawn, its just better.
waiting for expansion atm while doing poe.

well i deleted a lot over time. and restarting from scratch all fresh like means you got more then me now :smiley:

That’s weird i keep summoning bunnies no matter how much power i put into it

They are different. It’s obvious for anyone who understand something in UI. Main problem of constellation system - it’s very bad from UI perspective.

But why are you still even here?

Strange question. I check news for addon sometimes.

Just because you make a suggestion doesn’t mean they must make the changes you propose.

I did not propose anything about Primal Strike. It’s useless I knew this. I reported bug about stun jacks. Obvious bug. But it was ignored. Dunno why. I suppose because “small team”. It’s just example of big problems which live longer than they should.

It’s not something like quadrodipping. Because changing core mechanic will nerf a lot of builds and should be made carefully. It’s just a bug.

First off, PoE engine is a custom one, made in a garage. With the corresponding quality.
Actually the outdated TQ engine is “better”, as it was at least written by qualified programmers. Yes, it’s outdated, it got issues, limitations, and all. But PoE’s engine is truly utter crap and prevents the game from expanding in the desired speed. It’s a brake and always has been. PoE got most tech issues than any other aRPG on market, and is well known for it.

I spoke not only about technical issues (btw making network code for online ARPG is pretty hard task). Grim Dawn is just huge TQ mod. As result it has many problems which can be avoided if you make game from the scratch (if you remember your old mistakes).

With PoE, I feel vigorously raped, as I know it’s on purpose - I know there’re financially driven motives behind it. And I also know I can’t change it with any kind of feedback, or whatever. As it’s about cash, and shit is cruel and unforgiving when we are up to it.

Maybe you are right. And you really know developer intentions.

Oh Grohuf. My dear, dear Grohuf. I hope this is just a classic example of your usual hilarious use of English. Would break me wee lil heart if it wasn’t.

Coming right up! Should only take about as long as a pizza delivery. Chop, chop Crate.

Note: expansion is now on hold tho.

Just came here to say that I love both games equally <3
