G'day from Australia

Hi crew.

Joining in the advice from the people of Reddit. I’ve actually only just started getting into this game in the last two days. Lots to learn and do which is great. Quite enjoying my time so far!

Started a Demolitionist which has been fun. Would love to see people’s opinions on builds and the like.

Any Aussies keen to play I’d love to hear from you. Leave me a message below.

Welcome fellow Aussie :slight_smile:

Check out the build compendiums for ideas on what is possible.

I actually switch between 5-6 toons as I go, so much variety!

welcome to the forum and this great game :smiley:

Welcome to the forums.

Hello FatBoyRoston,

and welcome to the forum and grim dawn!

Welcome here :).

Welcome fellow Aussie

Hiya fellow aussie! When are we having the welcome BBQ? :slight_smile:

Grimcalc if you haven’t found it yet is great for theory crafting your own builds :slight_smile:

Welcome fellow Aussie!

We hope you enjoy your stay.

You have a lot of catching up to do and a lot of fun times ahead! :wink:


You know because of the time of the day that I tend to play (10/11pm-5/6am) I tend to forget that other Aussies play this game and I’m not the only one …

Anyway wekcome, demo is a lot of fun lots of pretty explosions

Sent from my 0PJA10 using Tapatalk

I didn’t know there were so many other Aussies in the neighbourhood :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forums FatBoyRoyston, and see you 'round Cairn sometime!