Anybody else starting over from the beginning? I played here and there during beta up to the first 4 or 5 months of Ashes of Malmouth, but have kind of drifted away from the game for the past year. Ended up with 2143 hours played when I finally stopped playing.
With Forgotten Gods coming out next week, I figured that it was time to dust off the old cd case, er, steam file. I deleted everything when v30 came out so figured that I’d do so again. Anybody else planning to do the same?
Kind of.
I have been playing since build?? When 35 was the level cap and homestead was the end. I have deleted so many complete characters as new builds to the game were added. Deleted many characters with each patch to get that fresh start feeling.
However with Forgotten Gods, I’m currently hecticly trying to get my latest character into ultimate before Tuesday. At gates now so think I’ll make it!! I don’t plan on deleting this character as I have tweaked him from another character but don’t see me hitting level 94 by Forgotten Gods. I’ll shelf both of my current builds to start “fresh” with my oath keeper/demo build. Going for the non shared stash or items route with him. Wouldn’t want to delete all the farming I’ve done collecting blueprints if that is even possible. No thanks to that, so as fresh as an untweaked character goes, I’m there. 2001 hours played as of this morning.
Whats the point of deleting toons? Why not just create a new toon and play that in FG?
I didn’t delete just the characters…I deleted everything completely, starting over from scratch.
What’s the point in hoarding toons that you don’t play with anymore. I like the idea that my current character is all alone with no one to help (farm items and share). It’s not like level 100 is hard to get to. This isn’t level 99 Diablo 2 or even level 75 Titans Quest here. ARPG’s have become everyone one wins with max level so delete away I say.