Gladiator Crucible Uncanny Survival Stories

If anyone has a particualr experience from Crucible to share where it seemed impossible to survive I think it would be cool to share in a thread.

I don’t know if weapon spawns matter in Crucible for Nemeses but this morning on gladiator crucible i got some really bad mutators on me followed by a surprise at the end. Brutal+Cruel (so 3% OA and 75% crit damage! on enemy) and to make matters worse I aslo had the Marked mutator with those that takes a chunck of your DA. This was Waves 140-150, no Stonewall, just Vanguard empyrion and Amatok.

All went well enough until I got to 150 and Iron Maiden Benn’Jahr and Moose Spawn. Maiden spawned with… Notche Bone of oneshotting…so this weapon with Cruel+Brutal+Marked+Iron Maiden. I honestly thought of just letting myself killed when I saw the weapon. Benn and Moos’s CC crap was preventing me from handling Maiden properly and she activated my menhir’s will in 1 shot from 21k health. I was sure it was impossible to get though it. Somehow, with funneling them and going in and out of combat with maiden I got through it(killing maiden first) but I honestly don’t think I really should have survived that combo unless weapon spawns do not matter in crucible.

Any other stories to share?:rolleyes:

Was playing my witchblade with 3 friends, everything was fine, just cleared 3-4 run before without any trouble, and then come the deadliest 150th wave of my life: Triple Valderan spawn! well … in less than 5sec everyone was dead LMAO. :smiley:

So here is what I learned from playing Crucible…

*Iron Mainden spawn

*Got slaughtered

Holy S#@t! How come? I’ve seen your Witchblade. Does their debuff stack, because if it does it’s ridiculous. Or was it the shotgun effect from up-close lightining balls?

@Tyzual. I know the pain. Some bleed resist might help with her.

I wish i recorded this massacer. :cry:
The thing is you are perma swapped between those Valderan which allow them to cast their debuff and some extra ranged spell.
I didnt pay attention to mutator either. :eek:

150th Gladiator wave with my Saboteur in Crucible of the Dead arena. Until that point, I didn’t really need some walls or pillars to hide. Then, two Moosilauke and Iron Maiden spawn and in panic I messed up my flashbangs. Suddenly screen full of freezing crystals, Iron Maiden slams in a couple of hits, dead.

LOL perma swap sounds pretty OP

they need to learn: 1 shot never fun. OK my pyromancer stories: wave 150 aspirant, Iron mother of fucking stun Maiden and Benn’Jhar father of Trap spawn

Granted…I did survive 2 x Valdaran + Fabius, which is almost just as deadly for anything that doesn’t have Demolitionist in it.

I have had this combination too. I think you need a he bit of luck too not just positioning. Sometimes the AI goues into “retarded mode” in crucible. Some nemeses get confused and wonder around or stand around for a bit doing nothing. Zantarin takes the first place. He is dumb and slow, often does not do anything until attacked. Valdaran takes second place. Sometimes, especially in spawn x2 he gets “confused” and sits around in his spawning area, giving you time to dispatch the other Valdarn.

The other Nemeses don’t seem to have this problem. They are very active and chase you around, especially Fabius and Maiden. Fabius and Anasteria also seem to have had some AI increase because they reposition often making it harder to target them.

I think the same was done for Zantarin in some way but he is so slow that it works against him,

Would love some videos of some uncanny moments as well. These were interesting to read. Especially Triple Vald

Not gladiator, but still amusing. I’m on wave 150, get Zan/Vald/Benn. I kill Zan super quick because he’s closest. Benn manages to get me pinned against a wall with potion/BoD/Mirror on CD… and then Vald decides we should trade places! And because he’s such a nice guy, he teleswaps me right next to the vital essence I got after wave 140 but didn’t use. Bam, full hp+energy and I’m about 15 yards away from both of them. Kill Benn, get into Vald’s sweet spot, kill him, victory.

Why Demolitionist in particular?

Searing Light has a pretty huge fumble/impaired aim % on it, and Blast Shield will save your bacon when they don’t miss. As far as I remember, no other mastery has such a reliable ability to cause misses.

Nightblade has 50% chance of fumbling with Circle of Slaughter, which is great against Fabius and the Maiden.

Shaman has 75% chance of impaired aim with Wind Devil.

Also Mark of the Apostate gives 50% to both which is cool for acid/poison builds.

I never got this vital essence. sounds pretty useful.

Not just that, it’s also blast shield that can stop Valdaran’s Burst at 75% health. I have had 2x Vladaran + Fabius Without much problem thanks to this.

My story.

Challenger Wave (150?) spawns Ben, Valdaran and Zantarin. I SS’d to Valdaran to kill him quickly but Ben trapped me. Valdaran teleports me out of there and i kill him. Unfortunately Zantarin suddenly decides to wake-up hits me with a lot of vitality projectiles, meanwhile Ben who is a little far off traps me and sends chaos/vitality wave to bring me to near death. Mark of Divinity procs and i kite till it’s CD is good to go only taking out Zantarin’s Death Revenants. SS to Ben and take him out. I kill Zantarin.

Another story, i got double teamed by Iron Maiden and Fabius. I obviously survived because i was a softcore character i didn’t die, i just lost the fight and respawned :stuck_out_tongue:

In crucible glad, somehow 2 fabiuses spawned, both with mana leech weapons along with a moose. I somehow survived…

Somehow i read that as that you were glad that 2 fabius with mana leech weapons spawned. I was like what the hell kind of build is he playing