Gladiator Crucible Uncanny Survival Stories

Another Story:

Today a friend who isn’t at max negative rep with enemy factions and hasn’t ever faced any nemesis before tried the Crucible. He faced Valdaran and killed him and his teleport ability surprised him.

He got ambitious and tried to go deeper hoping to see Fabius (since i’ve really said great things about this particular nemesis). Few sets (1 set= 10 waves) later, Valdaran spawned with Zantarin. Now Zantarin was so slowly moving and almost inactive that my friend thought he is the weakest nemesis. He blitzed to him and tried to kill him before that Valdaran teleported him, he tried to run towards Zantarin again only to get stunned by Valdaran after which both the nemesis shotgunned him with their respective projectile attacks. He died before he could do anything

Bumpity bump

Yeah I know bump isn’t allowed but this thread might be interesting to the new players and some players who might have stories