In Tier 3 Gold stops accumulating
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What do you mean exactly? You may have more expenses when you reach tier 3 which may account for it. Please give more details on what you’re seeing.
So if my gold reaches zero, it doesnt matter how much gold i intake it will never move off zero
See picture attached
Hm, verify the game files and make sure your drivers are up to date.
What version of the game are you on? What’s the detailed breakdown of your income and expenses (hover over the figure to see it)?
I have done a reinstall and I am running 0.9.4
Strange. Do you have no hospitals, waster colletors, etc, which cost money?
I have various things that should be incurring costs, but as the total gold is zero they no longer function
Do you have a trading post? Is any money stored in there?
Take a look at the trading post. I had all my gold constantly transferred there.
Thanks for your time but i seem to have solved the issue. I had run out of storage in storehouses. I added another one and it started accumulating again. Sorry to waste your time.
Good that you found the problem. Did you not see a message about workers not having a place for goods though? Should come up for gold I would guess, same as for other stuff.
I probably did but I wasn’t thinking of gold storage in that way and I hadn’t built a vault yet
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