Good Afternoon, Old Chum

Hello everyone,

While I have, admittedly, been stalking this game for upwards of a year now, I figure it is about time I make my presence known. With the universal disappointment I have had for Diablo 3, at least what the beta allows me to play of it, I have become more and more focused on spending my time here, reading everything there is that I could possible munch on about Grim Dawn.

This project is exciting, and, in all honesty, looks to be the ARPG title to blow my socks off. The excitement is hardly contained, believe you me.

I know, at this point maybe shameless self-advertising is a horrible thing, especially for a first introduction, but none the less, you may find me often lurking about my website ( writing reviews or some other such nonsense. Believe me when i say that I can hardly wait for Grim Dawn to be released into alpha, so I can write a proper preview other than the speculation which has been had to this point (provided NDA allows it). Also, if you enjoy the writing, believe me I wouldn’t complain about having another person/persons subscribe! :smiley: For those interested, I have a rather lengthy retrospective and mod highlight for Fallout: New Vegas due for publish later this afternoon, after i get it past my editor, of course.).

Having bought both the 100$ kickstarter edition (which the page for it can be found here for those that have not seen it:, and the $50 legendary edition, I admit that I cannot wait for the fruition of this project. I wish the best of luck to the developers!

Welcome “old Chum” I hope you enjoy your stay. I’ll take a look at your website later on :slight_smile:

Not sure how many readers you get on your site, but you might want to link up to the Kickstarter page…

And welcome :slight_smile:

hi and welcome, nice site you have there, I will have a closer look later

and welcome and enjoy your stay on the GD forums

Heh, I may take that to heart Father Squid. Of course, as it stands it has a standard level of traffic of about 100 people, but I’ll post it, just in case it helps :slight_smile:

Hi Selei,

You are welcome to post useful links here. And I think I am speaking for Crate when I say “We would love to see you writing about Grim Dawn on your blog.”

… welcome to the forums. :wink:

Welcome aboard. i’m sure Crate appreciates your support.

Hi and welcome to Grim Dawn forum.
Wandering into your website right now… :smiley:

Hello and welcome Selei! Thank you so much for the generous support. :slight_smile:

Nice looking site!

I must admit, its absolutely refreshing to see a developer team so involved in the community. Its very rare, very rare indeed that I get to come across a group so in tune with what the community wants.

Manly tears were shed this day my friend, manly tears remembering a kinder time when all devs and players co-existed in harmony, a coexistence that made better games for us all.

Sadly this almost doesn’t exist anymore. But Crate heard our prayers :smiley: … So we wont stop to support them, and we will continue to support them trough the following years when the extensions will follow.

I’m pretty sure the community know’s it takes times but we have faith in them :slight_smile:

Hey Selei,

Welcome aboard and enjoy your stay! =)

I couldn’t agree more, friend. Ive simply set my mind to contributing as much as I possibly can to the kickstarter. For how little press the game does seem to get, Its fantastic to see how well it has been doing.