Hi there everyone. Not really sure what to say. I’ve been following the development process of Grim Dawn probably since the end of last year, and noticed the option to pre-purchase early on. I’ll be honest, it was hard restraining myself from doing so right away, but I wanted to see the different developments and whether or not the game maintained and improved upon the direction on TQ. And oh boy has it done so. So now I’m a Legendary Fan.
It’s quite a novel thing, contributing to the development of a game financially (if only a small amount! :D) and for the developer to offer Alpha/Beta participation for those who do so. My hope is that those who have become Legendary/Epic fans will also contribute by getting involved with reporting bugs/issues when they come up so that we can assist in getting what is promising to be an epic (or is that Legendary! :D) Action RPG!
I’m also kinda glad that the alpha won’t be ready for a while. I wouldn’t want anything rushed through for whatever reason, though I suppose as Crate aren’t currently linked with a publisher (am I correct in saying so?) there’s no pressure in that regard to push the game out in that respect…
…and hey, it will hopefully give me some time to play Diablo III and keep my ARPG-hunger satisfied along the way!