Good DW build for new player?

Whats the least gear reliant and easy to play DW melee build for a new player? Being squishy sucks and being a build that relys on specific legendaries theres no possible way for me to have sucks even more xD

I like WPS DW blademaster alot or at least I would if I didn’t have to die and rebuff and teleport back 20 to 30 times to kill a boss at times :frowning: right now sadly i’m playing characters I don’t like being blademaster was too ugh with all the deaths to continue as.

You could always try respeccing the Blademaster - I’ve never tried a WPS one before, but I found a Cadence/Ring of Steel/Blade Spirit build (with some “pets” in the form of Living Shadows and Nemesis - though I doubt you’ll get the latter for a while) to be pretty fun and effective. :slight_smile:

If you dont like being squishy, try not going DW, in 1-st place.

Saboteur by a longgggg shot. Build functions very well offensively and defensively (pneumatic, blasts shield, flashbang, and high potency bwc provides a ton!) without gear and while not being absolutely top tier with gear it still scales really well with gear. Level up NB to 15 focusing on maxing blade burst/pneumatic burst and be sure to grab a point in shadow strike for mobility. Then start leveling up demo till you hit explosive strike. At this point you can drop blade burst to 1 point, max out the lethal assault buff, and max out explosive strike. Grab fiend as your first devotion as well, bind flame torrent to fire strike. Lethal assault is acid/cold damage but it’s very potent early on before you are heavily invested into offering a ton of flat damage and upping your hit rate a lot with its OA. Your aoe clear will be pretty nuts while still having strong single target, then you can work on maxing out base fire strike skill and leveling up demolitionist class. 1+1 points in flashbang/searing light and blackwater/high potency is a super cheap way for a big survivability increase though you really shouldn’t need it till later on. Be sure to choose Kymon faction for their fire daggers

Btw if you are dying that much on a blademaster you are doing something wrong for sure. Blademaster sucks w/o gear, but there is no way you should be dying even close to that much. Making it through hardcore ultimate is entirely possible w/o any gear though it’s a terrible choice :stuck_out_tongue: If you post your bm I could give some advice

yawn ;D

Have you looked at this for your Blademaster?

What Tomodak said :slight_smile:

Really now. It’s great offense and good defense

Saboteur is a really nice class for a dw beginner. :slight_smile: Versatile and can tank some damage.

@MortalKombat: You really don’t like dw classes, do you? :smiley: Not everyone is into the the S&B style.

I played my BM dual wield from nothing to full warborn etc. Didnt have a single piece of it. It took some weeks, sure. But it worked and he can stand his ground even on Gladiator now.

People on discord ragged on that build so much for failing to go full Physique , that was my first character and once I got to elite it turned squishy and when it started to die so much I asked on discord and was told it sucks and to reroll.

Got a link to a good build guide for that?

You could check out the two first builds (under Saboteur) in Compendium V:

They both offer some good leveling and set-up/game play advice. They gave me (at least) some new ideas, and a better conceptual grasp of the DW Saboteur.

Happy saboteurism

Well eisprinzessin did say:

This is a proof of concept char, to find out if celestial skills trigger frequently enough, if you are using WPSs. For this I continued an existing char, which I had played about a year ago, when the game ended in Darkvale Gate and Devotion was still in the making. It had been a Cunning-based build focussed on non-magic damage with all six WPSs. My first relic had been Ruination, and I had used Behead (from Blessed Whetstone) until level 44.”

“I am at level 78 with this char now and have a distribution rate of 1:2:1 for Physique, Cunning and Spirit. It has been a bit rough in elite, so I think 1:1:1 would probably have been the better choice.”

Nothng to stop the OP from going mostly Physique, though may need some Cunning and Spirit along the way to equip certain items. I’m going with the 1:1:1 suggestion, but my WPS Blademaster is only at L16 so can’t really say how it’ll do when I reach Elite and beyond.

I dont have anything against DW classes, but from my own experience, they tend to give up tankiness in favour of DPS/clear speed. If one wants really tanky build, he shouldnt stick with DW, that’s what i meant.
Tanky build should use shields in GD.

“Tanky build should use shields in GD…”

I think tankyness is in direct relation with what a build needs. A BM will need less tankyness because he’s bursty and mobile. DW Saboteur needs more staying power because he “channels” his damage via auto attack, which takes a bit of time to build up momentum. This is why Justice set provides this class with everything it needs in both offense and defense. Having achieved this the build functions very well

I didnt said that DPS-focused builds are worse. Sure, they are less tanky, but they deal more damage.