Good Gwim Darn y'all

Hi there folks.

I (almost accidently) stumbled upon TQ in my local library, borrowed it and just loved it! Now owning my very own copy, looking forward to a real nice looking sequel.

I’m from Denmark BTW :wink:

Huzzah for libraries, and welcome to the forum!

In Denmark they have video games at the library?

In Germany, too. Although mostly crappy ones, at least in my place :slight_smile:

That’s great!

shakes head library huh?

Welcome to the forums.



Yup, but mostly older/cheaper games, but in my library (I live in a larger suburb to copenhagen, approx. 50.000 inhabitants), they have both PC and PS2/PS3 and a few DS and XBOX as well (about 100 titles).

Mostly children or youth games, but I guess teens played TQ as well, not only nerdy nerfy newbs who have kids themselves :wink:

I’m curious…
How do people treat the game discs when loaning them from the library ?
Are they scratched or scuffed, or in good shape?

The reason I ask is because here in the US way too many people treat other people’s property as toilet paper. I try not to rent games or movies any more because the discs are always all scratched up & scuffed.

I’m kinda anal about stuff like that.
I’ve even lent out games to friends and got them back all scratched, and in some cases totally un-playable.
One guy wanted me to lend him TQ (after he scratched up my Sacred 1 game disc)…I just laughed at him and shook my head.
He got pissed & said I was so anal that he wasn’t going to ask to borrow any more games. To which I just laughed some more.

You are not the only one my friend. I take excellent care of my media. Too me its only common sense that you should take good care of other peoples stuff and replace it if you mess it up.

I do buy used games sometimes, but I have to see the disk and get it resurfaced, if its too bad I just wont buy it.