Graphic settings for colour blind

Hi, I would like to know what is it about this color blind graphic setting. For example: Deuteranopia: by doing this,

  1. is the purpose is to simulate what the Deutan color blind people would see in game, or
  2. it is actually the setting to help Deutan color blind people to see better as a normal person would see in game.

I hope it is for the latter and not the former. Anyone can clarify this?

i would very much assume it’s the 2nd :thinking:

legit don’t know,
but it just seems strange to me to shift colour spectrum only to the “benefit” of non colour blind people and not the actual colour blind

ofc its the 2nd. Appreciate the honest question, but … duh xD
Imagine e.g. Braille Script, being for healthy people, in order to experience how blind ppl struggle with reading.
Or wheelchair ramps, being for healthy ppl in order to experience how the paralyzed struggle with stairs. Those ramps would be steeeep.

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