Greetings all and Crate

you just got yet another fan. good to be part of something GREAT of a Crate :slight_smile:

Beloved Fan,
Thank you again for contributing to the Grim Dawn project with your early pre-order.
Here is your Grim Dawn game-key: **************************** [Grim Dawn - Legendary]

Please remember to keep this key in a safe place and do not share it with anyone else.

We look forward to talking with you on the forums! -

Crate Entertainment

I am from DENMARK

Greetings Code187, glad you joined to this small but awesome community.

Welcome home, sir.

Welcome to the forums, Code187!

Welcome code 187! Already seeing some of your post. Great to have you here.

woah :smiley: Iā€™m from denmark too x) hejsa :smiley: xD nice to meet a fellow dane!

Welcome! Enjoy your stay :wink:

Welcome to the forums!

Thx ALL :slight_smile:

takker GED he he he he

Welcome to the forum and much thanks for your 1337 support! :smiley:

Welcome and congrats!