Hi. Many people might troll me for writing this but I’m not sure how I ended up running into this forum, but I had to join. I played Titan’s Quest & IT after the company shut down, so I didnt get to play and enjoy the game with anyone, but it was a great game. I was a huge D2 fan and played it forever, so I was always looking for another heir to the genre. TQ was close enough in my opinion, it should have flourished.
So why did I just join? Looking at TQ on wikipedia it led me to find out that some of the creators of TQ branched out and are making their own game. Why was I on wikipedia looking up TQ? I bought D3 and am totally disappointed with the product, so much that I wanted to look up at all the options and things that TQ provided that D3 doesn’t even come close to. Which is pathetic to say that a new game isn’t even close to a game made in 2006, nor it’s predecessor of over a decade ago.
I’m glad to see some more passionate workers working on a new game, it already looks a million times better than D3. Which means as of tomorrow I’m going to purchase the game and help fund the game. Between this game and TL2 I’m purchasing both to find something to wipe the taste of disgust D3 has left me with. I’m no longer giving blizz my money to give me kiddie level intelligence games that provide no challenge or enjoyment. What a rip off.
I hope this game and it’s creators have luck and get this game going. I’m sure taking the approach of giving the consumer what they are looking for: a satisfying hack n slash that requires skill, not a wallet, to win will make this game successful.
hi and welcome, your comments echo probably what a lot feel, so glad you are supporting GD, and welcome to the forums
hi hammerskalds and welcome to the forums. You’ll find, as you would expect, that there are plenty of discussions regarding arpgs in general and and D3 in particular with a lot of differing views expressed. Hope that you find your time on the forums interesting and entertaining.
I just played some Titan’s Quest and I’m sure this new game will be great. Cheers and thanks for the reception. Looking forward to learning about this game and then playing it…