Hail friends! I see I’m late to join this great community but I’m here to support it nevertheless!
I still play Titan Quest/Immortal Throne to this day as I love numerous character options/builds to mess with, on top of a great looking and replayable game. When I saw Grim Dawn on Facebook I had to be a part of it and do my part to help it come to fruition.
I’m a married Army MP vet with two small kids and working as a 911 dispatcher. My only gaming time is at night for about an hour and a half after work. (Get off shift at 2300hrs) So great single player games and RPG’s are what I like to play with an occasional online shooter.
I’m a huge Dungeons and Dragons fan but have no time or group since I moved here to Michigan to be around the wives family. When the kids get older, we will all game together.
See you out there!