
Hold your fire! I also come in peace!
My name is Vituhlz, and my friend Millsw (millst0ne) told me about this game around the same time he signed up for the forums and I thought I would come and check it out. Anyways, I just got Titan Quest 2 weeks ago, and immediately after got hooked on ARPGs. Right after I bought Titan Quest Immortal Throne and am now currently playing that. So I just wanted to introduce myself, and to say that you will be seeing me a lot around the forum nowadays as I plan to check in regularly.

To be continued…:furious:

hello and welcome, glad you like TQ, as it really is an awesome game still, and GD will be even more awesome, so glad you could sign up and enjoy your stay on the forums

Hey Vituhlz,

Enjoy plaing TQ while waiting for even greater precious! =)

…and welcome aboard! =)

Welcome to the forums! TQ is indeed a fine game, you won’t be disappointed here either.