Just heard about this game 10 minutes ago and here I am as a Grim Dawn Loyalist
Since D3 was one of the biggest disappointments in my life I am looking for a game worth playing. Path of Exile is great, but what I read about this game so far is indeed very promising! Can’t wait for my first time playing it!
Can’t really blame the guy… Took me all of about five minutes to uninstall every other game from my pc, wind up my pocket-watch and start scratching a tally into the plasterboard for every day till the alpha :P…
This thread is pretty up to date. Medierra says there that the release will be in 2012/early 2013. Well, it didn’t make it in 2012 obviously, but the release date of the alpha is close; no exact date though.
Hi and welcome, yes the alpha should be close now, there will be a new GD update in a few days if al goes to plan, if that update contains alpha release info, I can’t say, but still, I can’t wait for alpha, and hope it will be soon, I’#m biting my fingers in anticipation