Grim Dawn Loyalist Item Pack III is available now!

Hello, I have asked on Discord, but for confirmation : when will be the pack loyalist 3 on GOG please ?

Yes, I already told you that.

An hour ago.

Oh ! Thank you very much :). (I must better read and use search box :D. )

Purchased! :skull:

It still isn’t listed on GOG as of now, at least not when you type in Grim Dawn. It only shows the original 2 loyalist packs.

We had a time and date set with them, but it does not appear to be live. We’re reaching out.

Unfortunately, unlike Steam, we do not have direct control of a release going live on their storefront.


Yeah I’m not surprised. I can’t recall a time when GOG posted updates on time, not just for GD but for other titles in my collection too. Hopefully they get their act together shortly.

unsure if intended?
but it’s not actually showing up on the game’s main store page post release on Steam

Is it just me or is the ch’thon head a bit far back on the neck?


Just got it, already putting it on all my characters. The floating is very cool.

Possible option: would it be possible to make it so the Illusionist menu has the names under the gear?

Just picked it up of course :smiley: now waiting for console loyalist packs to buy!

Yeah, it does look like it a little bit.

My bank account is somehow missing 8,09€.
No idea how that happened, honest!

Still nothing on GOG… I’m used to them being late, but this is ridiculous

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to complain on gog then

This is pretty typical of GOG. It will likely be next week before it appears on their site. Is GOG the only place to get the stand alone though - is it available elsewhere such as Humble and are they more responsive. I’d consider repurchasing everything and ditching GOG if that were the case.

Yes, for GOG game. Humble only does Steam keys for GD stuff. And looks like they only have the 1st Steam Loyalist Pack anyway.

Nah, they are usually a couple hours late, no biggie… which is why this wait is unusual, but they did have some problems with files recently so I guess more time is needed for them to do their check up

Hell, no! I own GD both on steam and gog but actually ever play the gog one. I like their old school philosophy

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Sorry for the delay, but unfortunately we’re still waiting to even get a reply from GOG regarding the loyalist pack.

At this point, we’ve stuck with GOG because we listed Grim Dawn on there all those years ago to fulfill our DRM-free Kickstarter promise but, frankly, these kinds of frustrations paired with Steam’s dominance in market share makes it difficult for us to justify listing future games on GOG.

Update: as you can see in later comments, the issue has been resolved. Enjoy!


You have a different experience to me. They’ve been late with patch and games updates a few times. I’m talking days, not hours, which I can live with. Obviously I can wait for it to be posted since it isn’t game impacting but still, it’s more than a little annoying