Grim Dawn Loyalist Item Pack III is available now!

Shamans follow Ultos too. That’s who Stormcaller pact is made with.

or they are the same … after fall of arkoviaya and war of gods …titan Ultos change his identiy and become Mogdrogen!! stormserpert to stormsheperd :slight_smile:



Had a lot of fun making these, hope you enjoy them as well! We’re pretty excited about the tech changes this new pack introduced and being able to leverage them for itemization going forward in GDX3. Stay tuned!


Won’t it turn out that new GDX3 items with new tech will be better than old ones?


But please dont let them overshadow (by much) current existing items

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Multiplayer spell casting


Each one looks frikkin’ awesome.
Take my money!

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hi :slight_smile: i wanna to buy Loyalist Item pack 1-3

Omg that would be amazing! I would be a day one purchase from me also.

Every time I see/hear about Mogdrogen, I think “Nobody talks to me that way”.

I know many people have said it already but I for one own GD both on PC and Xbox and I have purchased all the packs and will for sure be buying this one. I too would like to able to rock these sweet cosmetics while playing GD in comfort from my couch!!!

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going to get this as soon as it comes out.

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Got a steam update,but its not on sale yet?was it just pre instaled or something?

patch 0.4 is what you got
the loyalist packs releases tomorrow when steam does its store thingy

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Thank you very much for this new pack. Looking forward to being able to buy it .This is a way for us to thank you .

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Loyalist Pack III is now available! Go forth and conquer Cairn in style!


not on GoG yet :weary:

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Should be another 18 minutes on GOG.



humm ı love all new costumes but ı cant findRatosh’s Staff ?? is is bug or just me?