Grim Dawn v1.1.1.2 Hotfix 3

I promise I’ll behave :smiley:

Will swearing upon my blazeheart do ? :D.

after the past week I’m done flipping my shit. Sides I’ll take duriel tomorrow

The latter. You know that. :stuck_out_tongue:

After waiting for the patch today for almost 12 hours, I think I’m gonna flip more from not getting the patch notes :rolleyes:

make it 36h :stuck_out_tongue:

Those are rookie numbers :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re right. Zentai’s post announcing a possible patch today is 31h 44 min old to be exact.

Weekend coming. Best to postpone waiting until Monday. :stuck_out_tongue:

Number of times I’ve since refreshed forums and stalked his profile to see those sweet words “creating thread in news and update info” - 9856 (which is also coincidentally the exact number of times I’ve been disappointed) :smiley:

You forgot to tell you’re joking.Patch notes peak my interest.

Why has the preview thread been closed ?

Why do you think? It’s rather obvious really. And I’m not talking about the disagreements in the thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

I understand why it could/should have been closed before. Just not why now.

will we have some info on the new conduits of ___ whispers before the patch hits ? My Theorycrafting addiction is itching me.

patch notes when ?

About four days ago. See the Grim Dawn V1.1.2.0 Preview.

Is it because the patch itself is coming soon, rendering the preview irrelevant? :smiley:

I just wanna pierce the heavens with my AAR drill laser so bad…

Patch is on GOG…but not Steam. No need for preview anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

Guess so

Said it was rather obvious why the preview thread was closed. :smiley:

self face-palm