Grim Dawn V1.1.2.0 Preview

Hail Hydra!

Why the fuck did you even quote the whole thing? You just spammed the entire page…

Please do not quote the whole change log. It messes up the thread.

And? Getting resets with Canister is extremely common, i think my record is 7 in a row, and 80% of the time i get three in a row. Also, runes are cancer to use because of the arming time, cooldown to them doesn’t matter much.

I see some people complaining about the removal of vit to chaos on Riftwarped Grasp. I think you’re forgeting that the Harbinger’s Grasp isn’t exactly good for casters, and this change to Riftwarped Grasp finally enables a strong chaos Doombolt caster.

About the Decree of the Circle of Five. A lot of people seem to treat the Bone Lance skill as if it was intended solely for a physical caster. But I think an aether caster could use that skill also, and I don’t think any radical changes would be good for that.

Well, thread went about as expected…

Don’t get me wrong, I really like a lot of the changes. The FX change is one the best things about these changes. And pet buffs are always nice.

I just happen to disagree with some of the nerfs aimed at Oathkeeper/Warlord. There just might be some unintended collateral damage.

I had plenty of fun.

It works until it doesn’t. Tried out rimetongue grenado, sometimes it will just instakill a nemesis the second it spawns and sometimes you’ll have to run around waiting for cooldowns tossing one grenado at a time because goddamn thing just refuses to proc even twice in a row. Canister has longer cooldown and there is no fire version of “I’ll just toss RoH in here and it will make build work without any gear support” as far as I’m aware.

Implying Grenado and Canister are the same thing (they are not). Plus, Canister doesn’t need to be used 100% of the time, it’s actually one of the biggest DoT sources in the game.

Canister is much closer, if not the same, as transmuted DEE.

[Class & Skills]
[li]Ulzaad’s Decree: reduced Armor scaling with rank to 150 at max rank[/li]> [/ul]

[li]Field Command: reduced % Armor scaling at ranks 9+ to 25% by rank 12, 30% by max ultimate rank[/li]> [/ul]

Well, guess my 2-handed BM got a hit on defense too. Damn you Oathkeeper.


All changes are burning hot here.:smiley:


[li]Aura of Censure: reduced % Elemental Resist Reduction scaling with rank to -30% at rank 12, -40% by max ultimate rank[/li]> [li]Steel Resolve: reduced Damage Bonus against Eldritch/Chthonians scaling with rank to 12% by rank 12, 18% by max ultimate rank[/li]> [/ul]

Really, debuff again. I’m sure this won’t be the last time.

I really like this change, it makes sense. Would taking a look at other weapons in this way be possible? Like Heart of Theodin Marcell, it’s obviously designed for an attacker, not a caster, so it should be Mace instead of a Scepter, right?

I think it could make design more consistent.

Can merit tokens be used in modded games with patch

It was said to be so, but I can’t find anything in the changelog.

Pretty much everything I actually use or intent to use in the future is getting buffed, so I rate this 10/10 :smiley:

Is cc terrify being slowly removed from the game? And switched to confuse?

Yes my thoughts too

Terrify is basically the most hated CC in the game. Everyone just hates it because it doesn’t bring anything to the game, just pisses off players because enemies run away from you, screwing your clearing time and/or DPS (not talking about Shattered Realm or Crucible here, just in general).

All these buffs and debuffs cause PTSD on everyone in a sense. See this solid evidence

Also produce endorphin. Life will find a way.

So the soldier will be weaken a bit,but the retaliation builds are still powerful.
Especially the fire retal & acid retal,whom are even strengthened.:furious:

whatever you do, don’t remove the fire to lightning on dawnshard hauberk. Would like to request even to add some panetti support and maybe increase proc chance to 15% of the dawnshard itself