Grim Dawn Version

How can i fix this interval…??
Help me…please…~~

not possible at the moment. Maybe Crate will address that in future hotfixes

Wow! That’s an eye full. Please make more DLC skins n stuff!

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Congratulations CRATE!!!
I liked the changes and the new lighting (or it’s my imagination) reminds me of earlier stages of the game where it was darker xD.

Could the Oathkeeper please get a bit more of love towards physical and fire damage?

It seems Crate forgot that the Oathkeeper is also a mastery dedicated to physical and fire damage…


A post was merged into an existing topic: V1.1.4.1 Item Tuning

I own the game since what looks like to be the beginning and I just created an account ( literally right now ) just to say wow…


I know you guys are super-busy… But, any update on the hotfix?

This weekend perchance?


thats new. who is father?

ps - on a serious note what @unreasonable said. could at least “dungerous domain” logo be fixed by adding separate checkbox in settings??? had posted about it several times myself and was hoping to see it this patch but seems need to put this game on hold for a bit longer. gamebreaking stuff for me tbh :frowning:


Weekend is unlikely time for patch. Crate will not do it ofc in Saturday and Sunday. Friday is possible, but will not give them time to react, if something isn’t working properly.

First rule of update deployment is: never do it on Friday.
Second rule of update deployment is: NEVER EVER do it on Friday.

'cause if you do, something WILL go wrong.

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Its first build is going into testing soon, so no chance of that.

It’s going to be pretty big as far as hotfixes go since we’re going to include a chunk of item balancing as well.


Thanks man!

Great. My build was entirely dependent on Pack of Treacherous Means having dual wielding. Now it’s broken…

You mean you can not use a medal, a relic or the new belt? :thinking:

Maybe don’t have new belt? And build is probably Acid Sentinel, which doesn’t have much suitable items for dual wielding, although I will go with Direwolf Crest as last resort.

But new belt is best option.

It’s a Pierce/Vitality damage dual wielding Spellbreaker. And I have not yet found the new belt. This one would also damage my build since it would replace Vitality with Poison. Quite unfortunate.

Sounds like an extremely strong build… not

But you know that Nightblade has means of getting dual wield right?
Dual Blades skill and Pneumatic Burst + Transmuter Breath of Belgothian :stuck_out_tongue:

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Phew, so disappointed. Nightblade can dual wield through dual blades line and pneumatic burst transmuter.