Ravager is one of my favorite benchmarks for my builds. He’s pure, raw physical DPS (mostly) with some magical attacks here and there - and easily accessable right away, no need to beat levels or waste resources. If a build can’t scratch Ravager, it’s very likely also incapable of completing SR80 and going through Crucible 170 without doing some stunts. A build that can actually kill Ravager has can still be brutalized by some SR70+ bosses, like Rashalga. Hell, IIRC Rashalga on SR60 does around 500k already with her burst whereas Ultimate Enraged Ravager can at best crit you two times in quick succesion for around 150-200k.
OFC Rashalga was never meant to be facetanked without Overguard (and on high SR - probably wasn’t meant to be facetanked at all), but it’s just to illustrate that Celestials, even though powerful, are not the top of what you can encounter, damage wise.
Wildblood also can’t even scratch Crate of Entertainment, IIRC. The AOE nature of vines would mean multiplying crates rapidly and the -70% damage debuff applied by crate’s auto attack means you are overwhelmed quickly with your DPS (and thus life stealing) reduced vs. a legion of magic-spamming boxes. Even freaking AAR builds can kill Crate with proper skill and gear. Just for comparison, you know.
Wildblood Ritualist was overpowered, but whether he needed that many nerfs is debatable. The “global” vitality nerf hit him hard already.
However, I do admit that devs shaking things up (especially stale metas) are doing the game a favor in the end since it breathes in new life into the gameplay. Whether we like the nerfs or not, and since they also buff things, new opportunities arise. My Warder is not going to be SR100 viable, because pure melee just isn’t viable there, period, but he’s a lot more fun to play. And he’s so. Stupidly. Durable. Love it.