Grim Dawn Version

Hello @Zantai ,

will there be an hotfix for that update ?
I dont want to download the update (ie the full game because GOG ) if a hotfix come soon. If yes, i will wait for the update to be up on GOG server.

Thanks !

edit: and thanks for all the devs work on GD !

There will be a v1.1.8.1, yes, but as there have been no alarming issues, we are holding off for now to capture as many reports as we can before proceeding.

If history serves, I don’t think this will actually alleviate GOG’s issue with the v1.1.8.0 patcher though. You could try patching through Galaxy to not download the entire game.


That chest has always been there, but was actually hidden on the map like you suggest - seems like a bug to me to suddenly have it visible on the map…

Which one?

I presume this one - I noticed it this patch as well.


Hey I don’t know if it will help you, but i works for me everytime!

I use GOG, too.

Step 0: Turn of auto-patching
Step 1: Rightclick game -> Search foe updates to download update (loads a kinda corrupted update, important is game version) ~70 MB this patch
Step 2: Rightclick game --> Manage installation --> Repair install (fixes the issues of the patch and mirrors files to the correct game files) ~100 Mb repair files
Step 3: Play

Also isn’t the “Shield” a “Melee” Weapon. I kinda took it as a gag for the folks here who wished for a Dual-Shield Class?

Kinda like “You wanted that stuff? Well yeah we throw it in, but not in the way you might hoped for xP”

Yes, but the Totally Normal shields have been in the game for a while now. And yes, they were Crate’s answer to those people wanting to dual wield shields.

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That’s good to know, thanks.
I know that will not fix the issue with GOG. I had the issue Galaxy or not, so that would help me to know when to download the full game.

Maybe i should give it a new try, thanks.
I always used that way to update but didnt work before. The last time i tried was ~1.6 update, maybe GOG fixed something

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Whoops. Rebuilding the Map to add the Arkovian Coliseum revealed that location. It will be fixed in an upcoming patch.


Some good content addition with this patch, and some nice changes although i don’t agree with all of them. Still i’m surprised Mythical Edge of Death sword hasn’t seen more love, it is still terrible.

It seems this resists reduction doesnt apply to physical resistance…At least not according to Grimtools.Or i am mistaken?

Iron Maiden had 25% i believe and now she has 20%, same for Grava’thul having 5% and now he has 0%. So i assume this reduction applies to everyone else.

Well super bosses still have 85% i believe

Seems Callagadra, Mogdrogen and Ravager’s resistances were left untouched. Crate boss, Lokarr and the Bourbon Clones got the reduction though.

Maybe will be in the hotfix :slight_smile:

Found out their physical resistance was actually 90% before. So being 85% now means their res got reduced.

Oh ok my bad sorry for the spam :slight_smile:

Man this is just one (of the many) reasons I think this game is the nr 1 in its sub genre,the exploration and its open world-ness,most of the other games of this type just have you following a set path,I just love the freedom grim dawn offers,I can’t even imagine what you guys would do with a huge tripleA bugdet

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A huge tripleA budget usually comes with having to answer to the people giving that huge tripleA budget…(hahem, Diablo 3 auction house at release). Now, a huge tripleA budget without having to compromise with anything or anyone, well…Star Citizen is still in Beta… :frowning:
I guess developping videogames is freaking hard. xD

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