Grim Dawn Version v1.2.0.0 + v1.2.0.1 + v1.2.0.2 + v1.2.0.3 Hotfixes

Is that Rattosh, the Veilwarden, from the devotion tree? It kinda looks like a Rattosh to me…

Taking a shot in the dark here…

Also, if it is, and you are doing the whole gods and goddesses of Cairn thing - does that mean there will be an Oleron set too? :exploding_head: cause that would be awesome!

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No, it’s Korvaak Zantai said. Was the original constellation artwork, but a bit too spoilery so they didn’t use it in the end.

Will steam game autoupdate or I need to do something?

It should auto update.

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For all the new players while we all wait:

I meant the REDACTED, blurry image Zantai posted a couple hours ago, that is clearly from the new upcoming loyalist pack

Amazing piece of news. Just don’t forget to give us the new text files and unlock the translation section.

Chilling in front of my Steam monitor, waiting for the update to be available! :smiley:


Waiting for GOG Galaxy to recognize an update! :star_struck:

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Will GrimTex work with 1.2? What are the chances?

Mods/tools will need to be updated to work properly.


Do we have a rough ETA when the Update is supposed to be pushed out?

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Resistances, vit decay% for the DOT but no direct damage support since the skill is either Aether or Cold, some OA, and a %proc when hit skill. I think I’d rather have quite a few other items, or even some well rolled greens, and do better avoiding damage rather than wearing that item for the defenses.

Green Albrecht’s Aether Ray with poison and green MTX - here we come! Hopefully. I hope our Lord and Saviour, Zantai-sama, hasn’t forgotten about this. I rly hope. Can’t advertise this enough, it is a lifelong dream everybody. :joy_cat:

Zantai said by 1pm EST in a Steam forum thread yesterday.

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cuz there are other items doing just that.
lots of them got buffed for 1.2 as well FYI (mainly flat bonuses to DE itself & to items supporting it!)
and overall these shoulders are stacked af actually imo.

Arrrgh so ze Germans gotta wait till the end of the working day. Thats unfortunate :smiley:

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A post was split to a new topic: Warder build - feedback wanted

wrong section for this.
better make a new threat and post in the build section :slight_smile:

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How fortunate for your employer, though! :stuck_out_tongue: :rofl: