Grim Misadventure #114: A New Thing...

Ritualist is Inquisitor+Necro. Sorry :wink:

I’m hoping there are some surprises coming up because what’s been shown so far is “generic fantasy necromancer”. Heck, D3’s preview has more interesting powers than this.

-Blade Arc
-Callidor’s Tempest
-ok eating corpses is kinda cool but in gd it’d be about equivalent to shitty ‘on enemy death’ procs
-Summon shit
-Mini Blade Arc


Edit: Just still generally salty about the update, don’t take offense to anything I say in the next week or so.

Time to be a Necromancer joining Kymon’s Chosen. Because they don’t actively hate them to the point of killing them. Totally doesn’t break immersion.

^ sarcasm btw

Really dissapointed, but extremely dissapointed that is Necromancer. I was expecting something unique or under utilized in RPGs but instead went with the damn obvious.

Definitely not playing this mastery. Still got Inquisitor though, guess is something.

this mastery needs a cooking reference imo, like an epic helm with necro stats that looks like a saucepan :stuck_out_tongue:

See earlier comments in thread.

So I’m not the only one who thinks that Ritualist for Inquisitor instead of Apostate makes almost zero sense. Good.

will inquisitors not be able to join the order then? seems like the order would dislike them

Wow… talk about hype train turning into a trainwreck :undecided:
Honestly, you create a world where “science meets magic” and all that you could come up with a necromancer concept is the most generic-fantasy like one? Stealing vitality and summoning skelliebro spam?
That is a big dissapointment on my end.
Why you guys didn’t go with something towards a Technomancer? A mix between your generic vision and a engineer that instead of skelliebros uses magic to animate machines or mix of skelliebros-machines. God damn, now I want to see myself summoning a bunch of Terminators with guns, that would be sweet. But no, we can’t have fun with cool concepts. People wanted a stockmancer so a genericmancers they will get.
“Such wasted potential” - Darius Cronley.

Luminary serve Menhir, the primal god of Cairn, not Empyrion. They shouldn’t have any problem with it, although… they WERE hunted by Inquisitors in the past.

Nevertheless, Creed seems to agree that humanity must unite against common threat, so…

A little bit sad to not see a shield-centred mastery, but the necromancer is still a welcomed addition. :smiley:

Will we at least see some new shield-based skills for the new masteries or legendaries?

Guess at this point i should stop giving a shit about the lore and established motivations. Why not make an Aetherial or several of them just join the Chthonians? Totally makes sense, nothing wrong with that. Or have the option of having Darius Cronley aid Devil’s Crossing to fight the Aetherials? Anything is fair game now.

I’m genuinely really salty. Kind of wish the masteries were separate from the expansion and i could buy them individualy. This way i would only buy Inquisitor.

Apocalypses make for strange bedfellows.

And now that I think about it… It would make sense, lorewise, for Kymon to secretly admit a necromancer into the Chosen. Especially if it meant that some rogue god’s plans were suddenly brought to ruin because of it.

I have a question. How summons scale? With player or pet bonuses? If with pet then recently changed Revenant skeletons would still be useless.

oh okay, well i dont know the lore really, i figured that the inquisitor looked kind of the same as kymons :smiley:

Oh well… Hopefully the amount of the mastery bar dedicated to summons is closer to Shaman than it is to Occultist. I hope that “Fill the battlefield with disease and rot” isn’t Pox mk.2 and that the other skills are possibly worth picking the mastery for over existing choices :undecided:

Also not a fan of RP interfering with gameplay… Hoping that there’s a more convenient way to get Kymon augments than having to play a single mastery character up to late Elite or having to bother actively farming rep early in the game…

What I’m definitely looking forward the most in the expansion are the new items and their skill modifiers, will definitely open a lot more builds to experiment.

At least we have one fairly unique mastery in the Inquisitor, and we do not yet know how the Necro mastery will turn out, yes it seems generic atm, but we shall see.

Also some new constellations could really shake things up!

Can’t wait to charge head first into mobs with my skelebros at my side.

I’m seeing some feedback regarding the “blandness” of the necromancer class. I would just respond with “Soldier” is generic, “Arcanist” is generic, “Shaman” is generic… they all deal with an archetype and the necromancer is no different. Its the combinations, items and skill choices that bring these builds to life. :slight_smile:

Not sure how a technomancer is somehow more original, or even fits the low-tech world of Grim Dawn.

There literally hasn’t been a Necromancer in ARPGs in 17 years (11 years if TQ’s Spirit mastery counts), and for some strange reason people keep modding them in…

In any case, it is an archetype, just as all the other masteries are. It’s the combinations that make Grim Dawn classes truly stand out.

And I genuinely do not follow your train of thought.

Kymon’s Chosen detest Necromancers and will balk at the thought of one joining their ranks. The Order of Death’s Vigil is wary of Inquisitors due to past relations, though they are generally more open than the zealous Chosen.

Adding dialogue responses based on masteries was frankly a long time coming and I hope we make fun use of it in future content as time allows.

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