Grim Misadventure #132: Something Stirs in Ugdenbog...

Indeed! the debauchery in this game is gettting out of hand! :eek:

Oh that very nice, keep the very good work :slight_smile: But need support for 4k ui :slight_smile:

Well by looking at the picture something just hit me
The corruptor set is the one that Matron Malostria has in the Coven minus the acid glowy effect(epic version) we see here…is she getting corrupted in a way?
Maybe we will have to fight her or assist her to fight the pixelmonster to get pieces? :smiley:

I’m pumped for trying out the rogue-like dungeon. If it’s successful I hope they consider adding a couple more AND give incentives to do multiple layouts rather than the most “efficient” one. Crucible maps could use some of that too.


Zantai any info on when will Kymon`s / Death Vigil storylines are going to be concluded? Any hope for that to happen in

Treasure chest meaning boss chest yeah and not treasure trove , because treasure troves are already crap , can count on 2 fingers how much they have dropped in 100 runs I did .

I don’t think it is censorship; I think it’d supposed to represent something unseen as yet, coming out of the depths.

It reminds me a mine of Minecraft in Torchlight II and a pixelized sword (two of which make your pet return in a second, literally). :slight_smile:

How do they know:confused:

Everybody reads hentai

well not everyone here. Some of us have good morals, you know. :wink:

What the heck is hentai? :confused: Never heard of it.

I had to google what it means

I had no idea something like this can exist. Oh lawd the horror!!

The pinnacle of Japan’s contribution to our world.

That’s a bit big of a plot line to throw into a content patch.

Big enough for GD2 perhaps? :smiley:

Or 2nd expansion - at least partially. :slight_smile:

Nah, I think the game would become too long if we get yet another expansion. We’re already at 6 Acts with the addition of the first. Plus a GD2 would give more opportunity to expand/explore the storylines.

Nope. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you see something strange and weird (like sea monster) who you gonna call? Right, this guy - :smiley: